I’ve always used head and shoulders but now my scalp is very flaky and I have bad dandruff now. Any good recommendations?

  1. Omg I hate head and shoulders it’s literally known to make your scalp more flaky. Try something that’s moisturising i can recommend what I use but I’m a female but I’m sure there’s similar stuff for men

  2. An anti-inflammatory diet and cold showers caused complete remission of that for me.

    ETA: If you lack the discipline for those kinds of lifestyle changes, Neutrogena T-Gel is alright but not as good as cutting garbage from the diet.

  3. Hear me out.

    I stopped using most hair products years ago. I have a dry itchy scalp most my life. I’ve tried almost everything, even went to the Dr about it.

    I started buying the garner fructice shampoo and conditioner. I only seriously wash and condition my hair like once a week, yes I wash out my hair every day and brush it and all that, I will wash it more frequently if I get really dirty or something, but anyway almost 4 years Into basicly leaving my hair alone, it’s much healthier no flakes no itch(unless it’s really hot outside cause I’ve grown my hair the past 6 months and it’s already about 7 inches long, my hair has never grown faster

  4. I feel your pain. After many years of trying so many different products I finally found something that’s been great. It’s called Exederm Shampoo. Google it and make sure to get the conditioner with it as well.

  5. I was prescribed Nizoral ketoconazole (charcoal) shampoo because I have seborrheic dermatitis. It worked OK, but believe it or not, Drybar On The Rocks works way better than any other shampoo I’ve used. It’s pricey, but definitely worth it if you’re having trouble finding a solud product. There is a conditioner as well.

    Couldn’t find the shampoo on Amazon, but they do have the conditioner. You can get both from Target, most likely online only.

    Drybar On The Rocks Shampoo:


    Drybar On The Rocks Conditioner:


  6. Dandruff shampoos wreck my hair and dry my scalp out more.

    I use a scalp scrub once a week consisting of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and sugar. I get in the shower and get my scalp all wet and then I scrub my scalp with the mixture I’ve made. I’ll let it sit for about 5 minutes then I shampoo and condition my hair.

    The next day I’ll get my hair a little wet and use cut open a big aloe Vera leaf and work it into my hair and scalp and let it sit for about 20-30 minutes and then I shampoo and condition my hair.

    I only use shampoo once a week but I’ll use conditioner about every day. If my scalp gets build up or dandruff before a week I’ll do another scalp scrub.

    I’ve had dandruff my whole like and this works a million times better than any dandruff shampoo I’ve ever used. The dandruff shampoo is just too harsh for my scalp and makes the problem worse.

  7. Stop using shampoo as it strips your scalp of natural oils. Just wash hair with water and then apply conditioner.

  8. when i was in high school i started to get a dandruf. then i use head and shoulder. it was awful. made it worse.

    at one time i cut my hair so thin. i just use soap on my head. it was a huge mistake. my head itchy all day.

    now i only use dove anti hairfall. it was the best for me.

    my point is. everyone is different things might work or not. but u have to look for urself

  9. Nizoral is VERY good but you can’t use it all the time.

    The body shop does a ginger shampoo/conditioner and it’s the only thing that really works for me which I can use daily

  10. A medicated shampoo: Coal tar and salicylic acid shampoo
    Helps greatly with dandruff and severe dry scalp.

  11. I use the clinical strength Head & Shoulders for severe seborrhoeic dermatitis. Works fine as long as I shower daily and rinse my hair well since I’m fair-haired.

  12. Make sure to scrub your scalp with your fingertips as you shampoo and rinse.

    Also ditch the Head and Shoulders. It fucking blows.

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