My fiancé and I recently started counseling a couple weeks ago and our counselor is very new at his job and I feel he has given us some very poor advice, which mostly stems from inexperience. In addition to that, he also said “well I will see what I can do, but this might turn into separation counseling to figure out what’s best for your kid.” It was pretty shocking to seek out help from a counselor and have him suggest that he might end up aiding in our breakup instead. It would be different of course if we suggested that. Has anyone else received poor advice or just had a counselor tell them something that seemed absolutely ludicrous?

  1. Couple counselors are to prepare u for the break up. Once a ship starts sinking that far its extremely hard to go back to floating.

    Hint when u discover a women is thinking of sepration shes already thought about it well in advance and already has mentally prepared for it. This is only a surprise to you.

  2. My ex wife cheated on me and the counselor encouraged us to get to the bottom of why she felt compelled to cheat, and how I should hear her reasoning. I get the importance of that but to push the zero accountability narrative “I cheated cause you didn’t love me enough” narrative was pretty worthless.

  3. Apparently, an emotional response to her injustice means they regulate my tone. But she was completely at will with her emotions towards me

  4. My therapist suggested we stop having sex. That was already the problem. Not the solution .

  5. It strikes me if you need counceling before marriage, that’s a clear sign you aren’t on the right path.

  6. A lot of younger inexperienced sciency-types lack any form of “bedside manner.” Saying ” I will see what I can do, but this might turn into separation counselling” could be merely a clinical, detached observation stated without any regard how it may impact the listener or it could be his poor attempt at managing client expectations.

  7. When you see the kind of people who desire to become counselors, the surprise is more that there’s much good advice at all.

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