In your experience, what are the differences between men on this sub and IRL?

  1. Every man I know in real life is easily able to find a partner, and has never struggled with dating or meeting people.

    According to this sub, that isn’t the norm.

  2. A lot less whining about being a man in real life. Most guys I know are pretty happy being guys and what comes with it.

  3. The opinions in this group are much more diverse than I’ve seen irl. Most guys I’ve met are either moderate or conservative.

  4. The men here have way more problems with women than the ones I know irl. Not even close.

  5. The men here have way more problems with women than the ones I know irl. Not even close.

  6. Men on this sub will express their insecurities and pain while I’d never expect to see that in public or IRL outside of a complete break down.

  7. This sub has way more introverts and more dudes obsessed with being manly than real life

  8. None of the men I know have problems dating or getting sex. I’m the weakest link in my friend group and you would think I was a Chad compared to a lot of guys on here.

  9. Most people on this sub are over-emotional, nervous wrecks who can barely function on society.

    You know; Redditors.

  10. IRL we’re the biggest bullshitters in the universe.

    On Reddit we say it like it is, and disclose secrets we’d never dream of uttering otherwise.


    Like the fact that I love wearing dresses. Wouldn’t catch me dead telling anybody irl that, ever.

  11. men here talk about emotion and express insecurities while men irl dont do that

  12. This sub? Idk I think there’s some good dudes on here trying to help their fellow man. In real life I dont know if we all would do the same.

  13. I mean no ill intent when I say this, but a disturbing amount of men on here are really mean-spirited and picky when it comes to dating. I’ve only met one guy that matches the energy these guys have when commenting on dating posts

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