I have a friend who has started using dating apps (Tinder, Bumble, Hinge) but is struggling to find actual connections. I am in a long term relationship so haven’t got a lot of experience with these apps so I struggle to give ‘old fashioned’ advice to a completely different way of connecting with people.

He’s not into the hookup scene, just genuinely wants to find a gf.

  1. Do not put all your focus and attention on dating apps. It could make you miserable waiting for a match or that one message from a girl you really wish to have a relationship with.

    You should carry on with your regular life, still make plans with your friends, go out and do some activities/hobbies which you enjoy.

    Ghosting will happen for reasons out of your control, you will occasionally encounter rude people. Whatever happens with your matches, do not take it personally.

  2. Tell him, it’s hard to find what you’re looking for, do not be discouraged it might take some time and several dating Apps.

  3. The best advice is to uninstall all those apps. Show him how those apps use their algorithms to maximize revenue (aka keeping you using the app as long as possible, they are a not a charity).

    After uninstalling the apps, start socializing with women in real life. If not able to socialize, then work on that first (otherwise, even if they meet someone in a app, how would the relationship even work?)

  4. The best thing you could do is take some photos for him. A lot of guys have terrible photos. One group shot where you can’t pick them out, that one time they caught a fish, and the good outfit day when they’d just had a hair cut and they’re back in their car. They really need a good friend to get them in good light it a couple of different outfits and poses.

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