Me and my boyfriend work at the same place, he does floor work and fills and I close down coffee machines and clean and do tills

Everyone at my work loves him, where as a few people there pretend they like to my face but talk bad about me behind my back, he never gets anyone say anything bad and the managers adore him too

I found out that once every other week a different people get sent 5 pound gift cards for good work. I found out everyone has received one in past except me, even people who started well after me and don’t even do that much work. I told him but he couldn’t understand why I was upset about not getting 5 pounds but I was kore sad about feeling under appreciated

My managers just asked if he would like to become a supervisor and told him he’d make a great one And he said yes, when we told me he was gonna start training for it soon I smiled and said well done. And then just said they must like him as I’ve never been asked to be one and he just took it the wrong way and mocked me saying it and then said he wasn’t gonna do it anymore. But I know he will as I persuaded him that it was good to do.

I don’t know why I don’t feel a hundred percent happy for him I feel so selfish. I keep trying to tell him I’m proud of him etc but he doesn’t believe me.

  1. To me it sounds like envy on top of the resentment you have for your job and coworkers. You’re working hard but you’re not seeing much recognition for it and you’re socially isolated. Yet your boyfriend waltzes in, makes all the friends and gets promotions. That must sting quite a bit. It’s hard to feel happy for him shooting up when you’re struggling with being kneecaped.

    If you would like some advice, I suggest you start looking for a new job.
    I say this because your boyfriend’s success highlights a key reality about workplaces. It’s not about how hard you work, but how smart you work with the relationships you build. If you’re accurate about coworkers talking behind your back and you’re being socially iced out and excluded by management then I don’t think you’ll ever get a supervisor position at that location because you won’t be able to command the respect of your coworkers to effectively do the job.

    Once you hit a dead end, it’s time to start looking for a new job that will value you more; staying there will make you more miserable and your building resentment may damage your relationship.

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