What were you surprised to learn about your partner when you became parents?

  1. I was surprised that he was butt hurt over me showing him less love. He was already a dad before we got together, so I don’t know wtf he expected.

    I was also miffed that he wasn’t as deeply in love with our baby as he was. It was so weird.

  2. That he actually was going to be a terrible dad. He was jealous of the baby. I fell out of love with him so fast after our kid was born. How on earth do you not love your kid?

  3. Recently, I’ve been using his old phone to play music at nap time. I went to search something about the baby, and Google remembered all his baby related searched questions.

    It struck me the effort he goes to, to do what’s best for our son. I’ve a Master’s in Child Development, but I’m a bit busy with life right now lol so he obviously googled what he didn’t feel he needed to ask.

    I’m incredibly lucky to have such a patient and kind team mate.

    He knows the phone is still linked to his account as I told him I had seen his searches, and if he wants, he can ask me any question even if it doesn’t feel important. I also gave him one of my child development books that has a lot of the development questions he was asking in.

  4. I had foolishly underestimated him. I knew his upbringing and figured I’d have to be the primary caregiver and hold his hand through the first few months and maybe even beyond. When our first daughter was born that man hit the ground running. You’d think he was a single father the way he was acting. He wanted to do all bottle feedings, all diaper changes, all the baths, carrying her all the time, etc. He was all in. So definitely a good surprise.

  5. I didn’t realize how not loving his own mother had been till we had a kid and my own mom died. When my mom passed, I realized how much of her love was carrying over to our daughter; and as we processed my mom’s death, it became obvious how different his own mom had been, and how much of his love, he spontaneously generated to be the kind of parent he never had. I’m so impressed and awed by how he rewrote that intergenerational story.

  6. I never expected my husband to be a bad parent by any means but he really surprised me with how he embraced the roll of being a dad. ❤️

  7. i felt like he has always been a better parent than me and i’m the SAHM. he LOVES his babies with every inch of his soul and i really underestimated how much he’d do for them and me. i’m so lucky.

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