Did you have any fear that you wouldn’t like it or wouldn’t feel feminine enough? Did you feel like you had to put more effort into your hair (and/or makeup) when it was short? Would love to hear about your experiences!

  1. It was in 7th grade and I liked it. Kept it short for a few years and then let it grow back out. Then I waited a couple of decades and went back for another short hair style. Did the same style four years later. And then went from long hair to a long bob which I’ve kept since then. I prefer it to my shoulders but sometimes I wanna do the edgy short hair one that I already did twice. It just takes longer to style and I always get annoyed when I have to wait for it to grow back out.

  2. I have had long hair since childhood, it was not at all comfortable for me, since every day I had to comb it for half an hour, and when I grew up, I wanted a change, while I lived with my parents they were against me cutting it, they even said that I would lose my beauty, but after moving I cut off 70% and feel fresh, as if I had lifted a mountain off my shoulders

  3. I had long straight hair, at first I wanted to do bangs, and then I cut it to my shoulders, I’m happy because my face has opened up and I look lighter.

  4. It’s soooooooo good! Less effort, not in the way anymore, easy to style, looks cool.

    But I never gave a fuck about being feminine so that’s not an issue to me.

  5. Got mine cut right before I went to college. I love it and still have it as a pixie cut. I rarely bothered with makeup either before or after the change. I still feel like I’m much cuter with short hair lol

  6. Former short hair girl here!

    I always had the longest hair growing up, decided go snip it off to a length above my shoulders. I loved it. It was such a jarring difference; everything felt lighter and breezier. I didn’t feel weighed down by my hair. Another huge plus is that it doesn’t take forever to dry them! Only thing I will say is that my long hair used to be sort of a security blanket for me, that being without me made me feel a bit more self-conscious but that went way after getting used to the shorter length.

    I had short hair for around 3 years, I’m back to having long hair because I wanted a change. Might switch it up and go back to having shorter hair in a couple of years once I get bored again.

  7. I will move straight past the enraged knee-jerk reaction I get when it’s suggested that short hair is in any way less “feminine”, and that being “feminine” is some cumulative, one-size-fits-all checklist we should all be striving for, and say this: I’ve had short hair for 18 years now. Next year, it will have been short for half my life. No, I’ve never felt like less of a woman, or less of a beautiful woman, because of it. It suits me best. I love the way it looks on me, and it suits my lifestyle and priorities.

    As for the maintenance time and effort, I feel that indeed, I lose some, I win some. The time saved washing and drying is a huge win. There is more time and effort to be put in styling it, because when I have a bad hair day I can’t just put it in a ponytail or a bun and be done with it. And it’s not quite as short as it used to be for years, when if I didn’t like it I could just pass my wet hands through it and restyle it again. It’s a bit more work now, but that “more work” is still 10 minutes every day, tops. All in all, factoring in the product consumption, the time, and the effort, I’d say short hair is vastly easier and more convenient.

    Now that it’s a bit longer (9 inches or so on the long side, it’s asymmetrical) I can do something else with it for special occasions, and that gives me all the variety I need.

  8. Looked great when it was washed but awful when it wasn’t and I’m not good at maintenance so it’s much easier for me to have the option of a messy bun. Also looked *terrible* at the just above shoulder stage when I was growing it out (flicked up at the ends, ridiculous)

  9. I had my hair short, shorter than pixie. It was liberating. It’s just hair, it’ll grow back.

  10. I cut my waist length hair to just under my ears a few years ago, absolutely loved it! Grew it out a couple of years ago and got it to past shoulder length again and cut it off and now I miss having it long and can’t wait to have long hair again.

  11. I had very long hair growing up that I ended up cutting short in high school as a form of rebellion against my parents. I ended up really enjoying it. My head felt lighter without all that weight pulling me down, warm summer temperatures were easier to deal with, and it generally really fit into this tomboy look I had going on.

    Now as an adult, I’m back to having very long hair. It’s now past my butt. It has gotten to a point where my family wants me to cut it short because they know how much of a hassle it is to upkeep, but I take a lot of pride in the care I put into keeping it healthy and thriving.

  12. It was more comfortable and easier to handle, but I did miss my long hair and I’ve been growing it out again

  13. I’ve mostly had varying degrees of short hair ever since I was in 2nd grade. I love it and look objectively wayyy better with it, but guys ALWAYS prefer me with long hair, no matter how unflattering it is on me. I found this out for certain the one time I grew my hair out significantly. It was down to my waist and guys could not get enough of it. The second I cut it short, guys started looking right through me. One of my female friends at the time told me I look “cool” with short hair, and “hot” with long hair 🤷‍♀️ I don’t care. I sometimes grow my hair out a bit out of boredom, but as soon as I cut it short again I feel so much better and more like myself.

    When it’s *super* short I do sometimes feel the need to wear a bit more makeup, to keep from looking too butch, especially since I don’t dress super feminine. Women still hit on me a ton with the short hair though (which is flattering but I’m unfortunately straight). Take from that what you will.

  14. I liked the look, but ultimately let my hair grow long again, because I just can’t be bothered to have to deal with my hair every day.
    So more of a practical concern for me, than an aesthetic one.

  15. I had long hair, close to my butt. After the 3rd time I almost fainted bc of overheating I cut it very short and have rarely managed it past my chin. So much better.

  16. I had long hair for most of my life, I am 34 now. I had very thick, wavy hair and it was quite the effort. I loved it though – long wavy ginger hair really was part.of my personality. In september I went from long hair to a short bob, but that wasn’t right for my hair. In oktober I went shorter, but two weeks after my haircut, my hair was acting like a member of a 00’s boyband, laying flat and not wanting to do anything else. End of december I went full short. I love it. It doesn’t take me more effort and I feel its very convenient without taking away from how I look. I think it’s called a pixiecut now, but I am not sure. Because my hair is so thick,.I need to go to the hairdresser once every four to six weeks. I think that’s the biggest downside. I am actually thinking of doing a full buzzcut, but I need some time to gather the courage.

    Eta – I feel like there are a lot more options now. When I used a lot of make up or had big earrings, it was a Lot. My face, the earrings, the hair – all combined, I sometimes felt the need to understate one of those. Right now, with short hair – I can go out and wear heavy make up (which is still pretty light in the eyes of most), have big earrings and be as loud as I want and it is all more balanced. Might sound weird though.

  17. I had hair that reached my butt till I was 20/21, went pixie, only grew it out a bit for our wedding, then back to pixie.

    Unfortunately, I had to shave my pixie due to meds/illness and kinda look like Eminem now. It’s only a few centimetres but I’m not happy with it.

  18. Well I am 21 and I pretty had all types of hairstyles already. Personally I never wear makeup at all (so I cannot tell you about that experience) but expecially if you’re young it’s cool to just do it. I had everything from a pixie, to an undercut, super long , neck length and through that I was able to find out what suits me the best, which is super long hair with bangs (which I currently also have) . I would tell you to just do it because it’s nice to try and hair grow back anyway

  19. I had: long hair to my hips, cut it to shoulder-length, cut it to a bob, cut it to a side bob, cut it to 3 mm,3 cm. While I loved how easy it was to wash my hair at 3 mm, I had to cut it every few weeks to keep it looking nice, similar to 3 cm. I now keep it below the shoulder and cut it every few months in front of the mirror with whatever scissors I can find. Easy life

    Edit: Oh yeah, the bois kept away at 3 mm but that’s the built-in idiot filter 🙂 it’s a benefit, not a downside

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