How Would You React if Your Bestie Proposed a Threesome with her and her bf?

  1. End the friendship. That would be an intentional crossing of existing boundaries and inappropriately sexualize our friendship. I’m not interested in being friends with someone who is going to sexualize me like that and try to recruit me as a unicorn for their relationship. That would be incredibly gross and disrespectful to me, and I would no longer feel close or safe with her or her partner.

  2. My reaction would not be positive, and I would seriously reconsider our friendship depending on how she handled things between immediately after me turning that down. If we remained friends, I imagine it would take some time to get “back” to where we had been prior to her requesting that. I would ay least hope she wasn’t manipulated into asking that of me

  3. I might just join
    She is so hot and I am bi so think that’s a win win for me šŸ™‚

  4. Block and delete. That question would be so gross and disrespectful that it wouldn’t even warrant a verbal response as to why I’d never want to talk to them again. If they’re my best friend, they know full well not to even consider asking me something like that.

  5. ā€œI donā€™t fuck my friendsā€ and leave it at that. If they press on then Iā€™ll probably end up distancing myself from them. Iā€™m sure this works for some people, but typically itā€™s a recipe for disaster.

  6. Nervous laughter, confusion, and a solid no thanks. I’d probably feel awkward around the two of them moving forward, but if they both respect my boundaries and don’t bring it up again, we’d probably still be friends.

  7. Depends on which friend. But Iā€™d be down I think. It would really have to depend on who it is and how they came to me about it

  8. If it was my bestie then no way, but I have a few friends who I would consider doing this with if they were to ask lol.

  9. My friends all know that I am not into sex generally so it would be quite weirdā€¦ I would tell them no and that I wish them good luck on finding a suitable third person

  10. Hard pass.

    Would probably end the friendship too. I wouldnā€™t be able to look at them in the eyes anymore and I donā€™t want to be sexualized by my friends.

  11. I’d be open to it but also suggest my husband join as well for a full swap. Back when I was single, this type of situaton came up relatively frequent and part of what contributed to my unicorn reputation.

  12. Well it would be wildly out of character so Iā€™d laugh until I realized she was serious, and at that point Iā€™d be worried about her mental health.

  13. Strangly enough, when I was 13 this happened (I grew up in a rough place). I politely declined and walked home.

  14. They know I partake in things like those, so I guess the request wouldn’t be completely outlandish. That being said I have no interest in fucking/sexualizing my friends so it would be a certain no.

  15. her bfā€™s like an annoying older brother to me, iā€™d probably cry because of how weirded out iā€™d bešŸ˜­

  16. Well first of all, yuck. Iā€™m straight & neither of them is my type. Second of all, they already have *enough* problems as it is. This is a huge red flag. And third of all, this would ruin our friendship.

  17. I (not a woman I apologize) had to distance myself from one of my friends for a long time because he really wanted to watch me with his SO. it definitely makes things uncomfortable.

  18. This happened to me once. My close friend at the time was having issues with her bf. Apparently he liked athletes women and she wasnā€™t a fit person. So cut to my friend asked me if Iā€™d join them on a getaway, which they explained they would pay for and provide everything I needed if Iā€™d join them for a ā€˜night of funā€™ I was very confused and laughed out of nervousness. Tbh my first thought was ā€˜ewā€™ but I ended up saying I was flattered but Iā€™m more of a gotta be in love before I have sex type. Which was interesting because my friend knew that about me but still asked. Ainā€™t friends anymore. Was too awkward knowing she was down for that.

  19. a friend suggested this, and i responded with, “how about just me and you?” she agreed and we been fuckin since. shes a great friend. her bf is cool too.

  20. With a hard no. Iā€™m bi and I wonā€™t even kiss my girl friends. As soon as that boundary is crossed, there will be issues. I have no experience with it but I donā€™t need it to know shit will hit the fan

  21. Straight up no thanks. Was offered a threesome with a couple who I was friends with through work and now itā€™s just weird in the office all the time

  22. In an alternate universe where I was attracted to my best friend and her partner and I wasnā€™t married and I felt everyone was mature enough?

    If it happened organically? Sure.

    If my friend wanted to do it with someone they trusted? Sure.

    If her boyfriend came up with the idea and it felt like he was guiding it? Nope. Fuck that.

  23. Itā€™s happened before and I literally said ā€œewww gross youā€™re like my sister ā€œ
    I think she did it to please him. So icky. She never brought it up again

  24. She and I have had multiple threesomes with various partners. I think her current BF is kind of gross, so no thanks.

  25. Iā€™ve done it. We drifted apart for other reasons, but I donā€™t regret it. I see a lot of people here who think that would violate their sense of safety but for me it made it really clear that she trusted me, and we both knew the other party would a) take no for an answer and b) be kind either way. She said ā€œI can only do it if itā€™s you.ā€ This was an experience they wanted to have and didnā€™t want to invite someone who didnā€™t know them and respect their relationship or who would be unkind in their rejection. It was a lot of fun and we went for it a couple times. After we stopped I didnā€™t feel like our friendship was any worse for the wear, but I could be wrong; I donā€™t know if it stuck with her secretly or if it was a factor in her ending of our friendship a year or two later (I am aware of others, as she listed them quite plainly).

    Iā€™m now married and not available for that kind of thing, but it was fun in my 20s.

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