What’s the talk of the town? Are there any major events etc?

  1. This time of year,not a lot! This is always a very quiet time in Sicily.

    Add the worries and debates over Covid…the government is deciding what to do with ‘vaccine passports’ (they may be made compulsory for adults,or for all workers),and the local government is deciding if schools can open again next Monday! No ‘events’ at all…even the fireworks of December 31st were cancelled.

  2. I live in the village with over 700 people, so yeah nothing really happens. Recently the only University Professor from here died and we are waiting for an announcement at what time will the Doctor and Nurse arrive to give us booster(3rd dose), since we only know the date(7.1.).

    Events? Everything has been “dead” since summer. It’s still Lockdown, but since next Monday(10.1.) gatherings of max. 6 people are allowed. Also curfew(8 p.m.-5a.m.) will be finally lifted.

  3. A bit of useless local news of my area.

    On the river Adda, there is a lovely [old bridge](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Michele_Bridge): a feat of XIX century ingenuity in a very beautiful scenery. Connecting Paderno and Calusco, it [links](https://maps.app.goo.gl/yFH4Wn7ru1migNUm7) two highly populated and productive provinces (Lecco and Bergamo).

    The bridge is as beautiful as it is inadequate: 30 km/h speed limit, alternating one-way traffic, no trucks and cars cannot pass when a train is using the bridge. Furthermore the bridge was suddenly closed for a whole year in 2018 due to structural problems, creating traffic and economical problems (there is another crossing only 9 km north in Brivio or 19 km south in Trezzo).

    It has therefore been decided that two new bridges (one for road, one for rail) need to be built in order to relieve traffic and to modernise the Milan-Carnate-Bergamo railway. The old bridge will stay as a monument.

    But where are the bridges going to be built? The rail bridge cannot be built very far, of course, but this is not too controversial. The real problem is the new road bridge. Those in Calusco and the authorities of Bergamo want it to be built close to the old one, while those in Paderno and west of the river are much more cautious, expecting the bridge to attract much more additional and heavy traffic, upsetting the very delicate balance of traffic west of the river (which is a clusterfuck) and are afraid of ruining the scenery of the river gorge. They ask for the bridge to be built more south and for a proper infrastructure to be built in order to deviate traffic out of Paderno.

    So now there is this unfortunate situation, where for sure someone is going to be dissatisfied and where there are already committees asking collecting signatures and all that jazz.

  4. Nothing interesting really, besides that the local vax center has closed down and now everyone needs to go to the next town over to get a booster shot.

  5. The city district here wants to build something in a park under a big bridge where nothing grows and some people are angry about it. There even was a protest.

  6. Nothing, because basically everything is closed due to a certain virus. Basically only places where you can buy food and pharmacies are open, everything else is closed.

  7. Due to the massive amounts of unregulated and illegal immigration, Latino drug bands have started becoming more active and violent. 2 days ago gunshots were exchanged and people were injured (died perhaps, we don’t know). 15 years ago this was unthinkable. Now it’s quite common.

    And yet, the media says nothing about it because they don’t want people to get mad and to think that the insecurity they feel is actually very real and potentially lethal.

    Welcome to the outskirts of Barcelona. Just 300m (1000ft) away from Football Club Barcelona stadium.

  8. I live in a green neighborhood in İstanbul. Nothing is happening. Winter sun. Birds coming to my window. Cemetary has Parrots singing. Someone is playing the Piano in the Music Course. Cars passing.

  9. They’ve started building some houses on what was once lovely fields so everyone is pissed off at the sound of the construction site.

  10. Not much. It’s cold and sunny and someone across the river is firing a shotgun, as they have been every day for a month. I’m surprised there are any birds left to shoot. It’s apparently the Earl of Rosebery who owns the land over there so maybe he’s just a really bad shot and never actually kills anything.

  11. They renovated the tram tracks and did other roadworks in my neighbourhood. Now my tram station is 30 m farther away. In another part of the city, the are expanding the network for biogas and *Fernwärme* … the thing where heat from natural sources gets transported to buildings for clean energy.

  12. Let’s see… nothing? My hometown is uneventful. Life breaks down to going to work, going grocery shopping, staying at home and going to church on Sundays…

  13. There’s a mall/train station/hotel/apartment building complex near where I live that was built a few years ago. It’s covered in some sort of ceramic tiles that are supposed to clean the air or something and lately they’ve started falling down so the building company has to fix the whole massive complex.

  14. Oof, uhm, i don’t live in the best part of town.

    Probably drugs related issues (nah I’m sure about that, i work in my neighbourhood with addicts)

    I mean i love my house and I like living here. I don’t have any negative side effects on my daily life because of it

  15. The light rail extension to Åsane and building apartments closer together in an area which is mostly single family homes

  16. A lot has happened in the whole city (in Parma) this year, but my neighbourhood is pretty quiet, the biggest news being the demolition of some old abandoned buildings and the construction of new ones, and the opening of a new bakery.

  17. Warsaw

    Zachęta art gallery, one of the more prestigious in the country, got a new head. Choice fell on a guy close to the ruling party and the minister for culture

    “3 kings procession” will makes it way down the royal route tomorrow

    Kaczyński’s limo drove through streets closed off for traffic despite not having any permit

    Protests about the new law targeting secular and nationalism-free education in public schools

  18. In my immediate neighbourhood most of the attention is on a controversial ‘low traffic neighbourhood’ scheme which thus far involves closing off roads with planters and telling people to drive less, but making absolutely no effort to support people to actually drive less by doing things like improving public transport options. I don’t even drive, never have and never will, but I hate the way this scheme has been implemented and the way its smugger supporters insist anyone with concerns about it is some sort of car loving, climate hating fool.

  19. Small town life: three houses are being built near us (one belonging to a celeb). There’s a new long-distance cyclepath in planning. The price of gas is rising this year.

  20. Not much long lines at the testing Station. Bosses that ignore covid restrictions, everyone is a bit aggressiv. Depression, recession and the feeling to living towards pending doom. Basically an average day on the landside in West Germany.

  21. Here in the village, the big news was the innauguraton of the new playground, and soon works will begin to turn a random patch of grass into a mini communal orchard.

    And we’re all relieved that everything is finally quiet after a straight month of nightly fireworks. No more dogs, chickens and cows freaking out at 2am.

    A stork couple stayed for the winter in one of the nests that were installed. It’s very exciting, we hope to see hatchlings this year!

  22. In Brussels everyone is kind of waiting on tenterhooks for the government announcement tomorrow on new restrictions. The plans coming out of the government are occasionally non-sensical and make a lot of assumptions about Belgians being on their best behaviour, or paying for certain things (such as daily rapid tests) lol.

    People be boostin’ too. Mine’s on the 24th.

    The Brussels Christmas market is over, but *galettes des rois* have begun popping up everywhere in all the bakeries. (I lost my first one today, but I have at least 2 more tries this year.) No one seems to know when to put their Christmas tree out for collection, and there are pine needles everywhere.

    Otherwise, in my borough (Uccle), there’s an ice skating rink that’s been set up near my place and it’s screwing with local traffic because it cuts off a frequently-used roundabout. Fun times.

    The construction on Chaussée d’Alsemberg is looking really good though, if I didn’t know it’d keep going to mid-2023 already, I’d swear it was pretty much ready to open again.

  23. Not much. It’s that time post New Year when the festive spirit has had its last breath and people just go back to work as normal. Just some high temperatures for the time of year, and someone has begun hanging stickers which compare the covid passport to apartheid on bins and benches.

  24. The big debate at the moment is whether the children should be going back to school tomorrow

  25. Absolutely nothing. I live in the suburban area of Helsinki with loads of old people and families. Nothing happens here.

  26. Fuck all. The community here is terrible in my part of Dublin. I much preferred living in medium sized towns where you’d recognise people throughout the day, everyone went to the same shops, pubs, etc.

  27. Nothing ever happens here.

    But what I have noticed is a lot of houses being renovated and built around, well a lot not that much but it is quite noticeable. But I do fear the renovations are for houses to rent and the new houses are made with cheap garbage and with some stupidly high price.

  28. District allowed building in a park. As it is forbidden by the higher authorities (city-level) to build residential housing in this area, they officially designated it as “recreational housing”. No one believes this, of course, as it will be a few tall buuildings, but the construction goes on.

    That’s what you get when you vote for right-wing parties in local elections: they will sell the greenery to the highest bidder.

  29. Well there was like a medical helicopter and 4 ambulances on my neighbours yard but i heard they fine.

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