As in doing absolutely nothing about it? 29F, been on and off the dating apps for yrs. I don’t think I give off the vibe that I’m desperate for a relationship, I’m very reserved & think I might come across as oblivious if anything. But being shy & scatter brained shouldn’t back up being inevitably single, I’m told I’m cute/attractive too but I’ve never been approached by a guy I’d actually want to date. Been off the apps for a few months & wonder if I’ll ever install again. When I have recently, I’m just becoming more & more infrequent using them.

  1. Hard to say what the likelihood is, but it can happen. When I got divorced, I had a specific plan about how long I was going to wait before I started dating. Then, I ended up getting hit on in the gym (and I NEVER get hit on anywhere) during that period where I was planning not to date. I figured what the hell, and went out with him. It didn’t work out in the end, but we were together almost a year and a half. The catch is that you have to put yourself in situations where it’s actually POSSIBLE to meet people, and you have to be open to opportunities. The likelihood of “love finding you when you least expect it” in your living room is basically zero.

  2. Just go with the flow. It will happen… Or it won’t….. Who knows. I know that I’m just going to keep working on my hobbies. Sure, I’ll flirt, but unless a girl comes to me or makes it blatantly obvious, I’ll happily stay single. I’m not playing games anymore, not worth the effort.

  3. That used to work when men approached. Those days are over now that every (good) guy is worried about being labeled a creep. Everyone needs to be an active participant nowdays.

  4. Believe it or not this philosophy has worked for me. It hasn’t always worked out in the end, but you’d be surprised who you meet sometimes.

  5. I’ve always thought that was terrible advice and how people end up unmarried and surrounded by cats.

    You have to be proactive to find a relationship. No one is going to just knock on your front door and sweep you off your feet.

  6. For myself, i see my chances of that happening to be slim to nil. i checked out dating sites years ago and never could get any women to talk to me. Objectively i am an ugly man though so women have never taken any interest in me. I get frustrated when people tell me this though. or tell me that i need to be confident. Like if it was that simple I wouldn’t be so starved for affection. I don’t lack confidence. I just understand that I’m not attractive and have no sex appeal, so I don’t waste my time trying to get laid or find dates anymore. I don’t believe that it’s cowardice or running away to stop putting effort into something I’ve never had any success with. Idk im real good at being wrong though

  7. Per my experience, there’s 0 chance for it to happen.

    I’m a 38M virgin, been waiting all my life, it never found me. I guess it just lost the map 🤷.

    So, I decided to take the matter into my own hands and show it I can find it myself. No success so far but I’m still looking.

  8. I was single for 3 years. Went to therapy every week for those three years as my ex messed me up bad. I had been on 8 dating apps. Had a few dates only had sex three times in those three years. Only two women went past first date. My prospects were bleak. Then my buddy invited a girl to our weekly hangouts. I had known her almost a year worked with her and even recommended her for a learning trainer spot. She started showing up every week. She joined our dnd group. We had a movie night which turned into us hooking up. We got married on April 1st this year. I found love because of dnd. It can happen when you least expect it. I gave up finding it and that’s when I did.

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