Currently going through a time of immense regret and guilt, if you could take your biggest mistake back what would it be?

  1. None that I really want to expend energy on today. I’ve been feeling down the past week and I am trying to feel brighter.

    There is one thing you can’t do about regrets and mistakes which is try and change them. It is something to live with.

  2. I’m not really one for dwelling on the past. Although there was a time when I owned 24 Bitcoin , I mined them myself , and at the time they were worth £20 each. So I sold them and went on the piss with the money ( they’d dropped from 28 quid each and I assumed they were going to keep dropping in value )

  3. Personally and not to get to “deep” I don’t think you really can take anything back and not have it impact you both negatively and possibly positively as well.

    Like the butterfly effect.

    As time’s gone by there’s been a couple of things I’ve wished I would have done differently but presently I’m a very happy and fulfilled person with a great life so I wouldn’t risk undoing that.

  4. My only regret is waiting till I was almost 40 to get a vasectomy.

    (Luckily I didn’t post this from my “porn account” – might regret that)

  5. There isn’t anything that I would actively want to change in my past as I have a good life and things that I might have regretted at the time have let to where I am now.

    I’m sure at several times in their lives a lot of people have regretted the breakdown of some kind of relationship, regretted a financial decision or not taking a particular job etc. Generally, it’s good to reflect and learn from these regrets, but I don’t think it’s wise to actually want to change them as you made those decisions for a reason.

  6. Be nice to the people around you on your way up, because you’ll meet them again on the way down.

    I burnt my bridges several times in my life.

    I highly regret that now.

  7. When I was younger, I rode an e-scooter while drunk and fell off, smacked my head and broke my arm badly. A long time later, I still can’t work out using that arm, and I have trauma from the crash itself, as I got badly concussed and thought I’d die. It was so stupid of me and I never get drunk enough to be that stupid, so I’d 100% take it back. I’m just relieved the crash prevented me from going any further: I could’ve been hit by a car or potentially hurt a pedestrian.

    It’s not an excuse, but the reason was that nobody took e-scooters seriously. I was living abroad and we were actually encouraged by locals to take the scooters home after nights out because there was a scam going round about fake taxis. I’d advise people to just be wary of them – they go much faster than you’d think and they’re really not very stable, I knew about 20 people who injured themselves on one in the space of a couple months.

  8. Try not to regret things that you have done. Whatever it was, you made the choice that you felt was best based on the information you had at at the time. You can’t expect anything more from yourself

  9. Too many drugs to get it up on multiple occasions during my twenties and thirties.

    Not confronting the reasons there were that many drugs going on until relatively late in life.

    Some bad music and even worse sartorial choices. Luckily there were never any tattoos, and social media wasn’t nearly as pervasive.

  10. I don’t really have any major regrets as of today, I’m happy with how my life has turned out


    I will always remember the time I really fancied this girl when I was 17 and I went round her house on Valentine’s Day and she told me I could stay the night and I panicked and said I better go home and it totally killed any prospects I had dead

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