Men of reddit who dated a “party girl” how did things turn out?

  1. I dated the hot, popular cheerleader back in high school. I can tell you right now, ***big mistake.*** She was always dragging to parties, getting either drunk, stoned, or both, and fucking gods only know how many other dudes. By the time I broke up with her, I was about ready to slay 10 thousand monkeys out of pure rage towards this person.

    Last I heard she was in prison

  2. You need to define what you mean by “date.”

    If you’re just looking for some girl to spend time with and have fun with, they’re honestly awesome.

    If you’re looking for a serious committed relationship, you’re a huge fucking moron.

    A lot of younger guys try to “lock down” party girls and then complain when the party girl… **acts like a party girl**…

    Be realistic about what you want out of the relationship. Don’t try to change people.

  3. Not good. She got too drunk on our final date, started bullying me and strangers came up to me and “saved me”, told me she’s mean and I could hang out with them. total mess.

  4. Had a lot of fun with it. You will never tie them down though, although I think every guy has to experience it at least once in their life.

    Falling in love with an insanely hot party girl who will never ever love you back is one of the great rides in life, very important for character development too.

    Edit: To add, the sex is so good it will ruin other girls for you for a while. It’s never the same.

  5. I know a 50 year old party girl with a 50 year old party guy

    They both have kids, mesh super well together, both have excellent jobs and love each other very much and both love taking huge amounts of MDMA still.

    Im not sure how dun they would have been to date in their 20s and 30s though

  6. Dated for like 1,5 months and she fucked some other dude. Couldn’t keep up with all the drinking and drugs, too. Should’ve been just fuck buddies imo, sex was pretty great.

  7. She was beautiful and charming on a level that I haven’t experienced since her. Also, she was the heiress to a ton of money. She disappeared 2years ago. No bank activity, no social media. Scary.

  8. They’re a lot like the parties they drag you too. It starts off a little awkward, becomes the best time of your life, then it starts to drag on too long and before you know it its 5:30AM and you desperately want to get out of there.

  9. I called my party girl gf for a ride home when I realized I couldn’t drive. She picked me up and she was drunk too.

    Edit: this got a much greater response than I had anticipated. I found out she was drunk when she sideswiped a car on the freeway and couldn’t pull over because she had been drinking. Strangely enough the other car didn’t pull over either. Lots of drinking and driving happening in Vegas all the time.

  10. I didn’t take it seriously at all, and it was a lot of fun. She had her things she did when I wasn’t around, and I would go out with other women when she wasn’t around. We both knew the score. She did show up at 5:00 AM a few times. Luckily never when I had another woman over. Eventually it was pretty gut wrenching. She wanted something more serious, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I’d never trust her, so we just kinda walked away from each other.

  11. I dated an after Party Girl phase girl in her 30s, was still trying to “go wild” ever now and then, loved attention from guys, and was incredibly toxic.

  12. We were both partying maniacs who decided to settle down at around the same time that we found each other. Been married for 21 years now with 2 kids and living the good life. We were both lucky with the timing, otherwise would have probably been a mess.

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