So I have been with my partner for 2 years now. We are currently medium distance as she lives two hours away for uni and has done since not long after we got together.

I have always mentioned about us traveling to Australia and doing a working holiday. This is something she has always been keen on and said we will do. Up until around two months ago as I have got a lot more serious about it as she finished university next September so is something I want to start planning.

When I tried to start speaking more about it over the last two months she would instantly shut down and not say a single word to me about it or aknowledge the conversation I was trying to have with her which was obviously a surprise to me as we have always mentioned it.

This was obviously hard to me as this is such a big goal of mine and now she didn’t want to speak about it. About a week ago I sent her a message and told her that we really need to start speaking about it as it’s really affecting me as I want nothing more than to follow my dreams next year and she replied saying that she needs time to make her decision on wether or not she wants to move as it is such a big decision which I completely understand.

However after this she mentioned that after university she might need to prioritise her career and start getting into the role she wants to go into and also mentioned about two past students who had graduated and then been offered jobs which meant them relocating from our home town to a couple of hours away which makes me think if the opportunity arises this is something she would definitely do and I wouldn’t blame her at all!

However this leaves me stuck because I currently have no idea where her head is at and I know I definitely want to go ahead with this trip. She has carried on as if everything is normal and not brought the topic up and is expecting me not to so I feel like she might make me wait months to tell me that she is not yet ready then leave university get a job which could with slight possibility also mean her relocating. And then me waiting for years for her to leave her job and career to finally go traveling.

What also worries me is that she may get a job and may decide she never wants to leave to travel if she likes it that much?

My head is a mess and any help would be great.

TL;Dr – Always spoke about traveling with partner after her studies but now I have got serious she doesn’t want to talk and is stringing me along

1 comment
  1. This is a fairly common issue.

    What’s basically happened here is that you were talking about dreams you intend to make reality, and she was only ever talking about dreams.

    You’re on different paths.

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