So I 22 male have been in a relationship with a 30 year old female for the past 6 months recently I’ve noticed her pulling away quite a bit. We don’t live to together and at the start we would text at lot,we was both in love seeing each often regular sex. However the past 2 months I have noticed she would take a lot longer to reply and her responses would be very dry. Now I I know the honeymoon phase dies down and I don’t expect constant communication. But it got to the point where most of her replies were literally just “yeah and oh” which to me is basically a conversation killer. We then went 1 month without seeing each other which was unusual. She would still give give the occasionally I love you message and say she’s busy but she’s misses me. I set up a date but she seemed very disinterested. After this date for 3 days straight I was the only one starting conversation it was just me messaging first. I was sending morning and goodnight messages which she would respond to but any other question her answer would be 1 word such yeah or good. I then stopped messaging first and we didn’t speak for 2 days I broke the silence and confronted her about this and she has said i don’t make any effort to contact her and she makes all the effort but for 3 days its literally just been me messaging first and her with dry responses so I just thought she’s clearly lost interest which is what I have been suspecting for a while. She’s said it needs to be both ways which I agree with but literally nearly all her replies are 1 word and 3 days of me messaging first feels like its just me putting the effort in. It like talking to a wall. She used to talk to me all the time .

she’s recently had surgery which she’s hasn’t even told me about I asked her why and she said she ” I thought I did” I replied “no you didn’t x” and she’s just said “oh”

a few months ago she had surgery and she was telling me all about it and I went with her and waited in the car for her and then took her for a nice meal. It seems she doesn’t want to open up and talk anymore, she was never like this before she never answered with single word responses she was always talkative.

I’ve had a gut feeling for a while she lost interest in me and has been intentionally creating distance to sabotage our relationship because she wants out but won’t just say it clearly.

I will ask her and how her day was she will say “good”I will then tell her about mine a small paragraph and she will reply “yeah” like she’s not even interested ):

I’ve told her ” i love her and want to make things work but we need to communicate our needs I had no idea you were feeling this way”
She hasn’t replied yet
I’m not a mind reader If she had told me she wants to talk more i would have understood but I don’t think she really did.

I also looked at her twitter before confronting her about this issue and she has been posting quotes about how she won’t chase people and she’s worth more than that which is clearly directed at me. But am I wrong to think that its very immature to be posting stuff like that knowing for well I’ll see it when she could have just communicated to me she had a problem, posting indirects on social media seem very childish for a 30 year old woman to do.

  1. cut your loses my dude, if you have communicated how you feel and she doesn’t see it or try to find a solution and is posting these juvenile quotes, then it’s over. I wouldn’t bother tbh

  2. ” She would still give give the occasionally I love you message”

    Words are cheap and there’s probably much more people who don’t mean those specific words than the people who do mean it. What are the actions beyond the words?

    ” I set up a date but she seemed very disinterested.”

    Well………..there ya’ go.


    Dude, whether she’s trying to run you off or is sincere in her hypocritical answers……….you need to stop putting yourself in the line of fire for this bullet.

    Frankly, people can say what they want, but I was kinda thinking “uh oh” when I read that she was 30f and you were 22m.

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