How do individuals feel about loose skin from weight loss?

My main questions:

For you personally, would this be a major turn off? Does it depend on how much or how little?

Is this something that should be brought up before getting intimate?

Would skin removal surgery and the corresponding scars be just as much of an eye sore?

I want to hear anyone and everyone’s opinion, don’t hold back! And I will try to respond to any questions ASAP.


  1. Wouldn’t be a turnoff to me. I lost a lot of weight at one point and was lucky enough not to get loose skin. Even though I don’t have any, I understand how much work, dedication, and self improvement it takes to lose enough weight to *have* that loose skin. If I was single I’d be totally willing to embrace that in a partner.

  2. Prefernce would be little loose skin – but then again I’m more about someone’s personality. If you’re worried about scars though, there have been studies showing that men are found more attractive WITH scars by women, or the same amount so need to worry about that.

  3. It would not bother me at all. I would have mad respect for that person. About scars, also no problem. I also have my fair share of scars so they’re pretty normal for me.

    I think it should only be brought up if there are some issues like e.g. rubbing or soreness etc.

  4. It wouldn’t bother me, I would support and admire the person for their journey and achievement on a healthier lifestyle; same with any type of scar, they don’t bother me and if surgery can help them feel better in their body, I’d completely support that.

    If it helps the person feel more comfortable bringing it up before I see it, that’s up to them – I brought up my SH scars to my partners before they saw them because I simply felt more comfortable letting them know beforehand -, so for me it’s up to them to decide when and in what setting they feel ready to mention it.

  5. It wouldn’t bother me, I also have loose skin on my upper arms lol. Plus, it’s not like they can control it either unless they get surgery so I’m not gonna judge someone for something natural.

  6. Honestly, I would prefer whatever makes the person the most comfortable. Whether that’s loose skin, scars, or not losing weight at all.

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