Recently lost my chance at a potential relationship with someone whom I have gone 5 to 6 dates with. The usual rejection/friendzone. It was really on me cause I was sorta demisexual and was not feeling physical until it’s too late when she said she was not ready for relationship and would only see me as a friend when I told her my feelings.

So my question is, does making a move early really make a difference if all else being equal(appearance, confidence, humor, personality etc) and that both party have been agreeing on dates? Trying to learn something from this.

  1. Not if she actually likes you. Any time a female has genuine interest, she’ll push the issue even if you try to kind of friend zone them. But these are the ones who know what they want and are selective. More and more females have high mileage and they don’t really fall in love with men like that. They just date around looking for their check boxes to be hit before crying about getting cheated on.

  2. You don’t have to rush to sex. But going on 5 dates without physically expressing interest and then verbally telling her on the 6th isn’t going to work with many women.

  3. As a woman, if I agreed to a 2nd date, that would mean he has potential. Next move is his. I would not go past date 3 if he doesn’t step up his game now and create some tension or show any physical attraction to me at all. Doesn’t mean he has to grab ass or ask for sex, it can be anything – more eye contact, dropping hints, light touching, sexually charged jokes…

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