I’m just curious as an American. What do other Americans like to get?

If you had to say what’s your favorite coffee place?

Starbucks vs Dunkin vs Bigby vs Dutchbros vs your local coffee place vs Tim Hortons (which we do have in Ohio)

What’s your favorite?

I’m having a good day I like to get a Dunkin Iced Coffee. It’s my favorite. I love getting donuts and a coffee. i don’t even care if their donuts are premade. still love it

  1. I just drink my coffee black, so I’ll actually just take McDonald’s coffee. It’s surprisingly good and not insanely priced.

  2. Compass Coffee here in DC is the most convenient to my house and pretty tasty, whereas Bluestone Lane is right by my office.

    I like a good third-wave pour over type spot but they’re increasingly rare and inconvenient to where I live.

  3. I usually make my own, honestly. Sometimes I’ll get an iced coffee at McDonald’s.

  4. Out of all the chains, probably Starbucks, but I get something fancy like a frappuccino. Usually though I’ll just make myself a Greek coffee, black American coffee, or frappe at home.

    I grew up in Canada and have a special disdain for Tim Hortons. Never really tried Dunkin much or Bigby either. Starbucks kinda wins by default.

  5. There’s a local place between the courthouse and my office. I stop there because that’s on the way.

    I tend to just drink a black coffee but they usually have good roasts

  6. If I get coffee at a coffee shop, I tend to get cold brews. I’ve found the best cold brews are at Starbucks, and I hate that I like them

  7. I drink coffee about twice a year, usually in waiting rooms for various appointments.

  8. Local coffee shops that actually know how to make a decent espresso. I don’t like drip coffee and I will only go to “fast food” type coffee shops (Starbucks, etc) if I have literally no other option.

  9. In both Houston and Mexico, I frequent 5 or so local shops within walking distance of me.

    One for if I want to work for long hours. One I take dates, because I don’t like it enough to care if the date goes to shit and I never come back. One where I like their coffee black. One where I like the coffee drinks. One just for vibes.

    In Houston, I also have a place for Vietnamese coffee, and in Mexico a place for Turkish coffee.

    My coffee is my favorite 30 minutes of the day, and I’m definitely a bit extra about it.

  10. I prefer 7-11, mainly because of affordability, but also because they tend to be better than other gas stations for coffee. I’m trying to boycott Starbucks because they’re union-busters, but I live in a suburb of Seattle so they’re all over the fucking place and it’s sometimes literally my only convenient* option at that moment.

    *I commute exclusively on bike, so location often determines my selection, as I can’t go out of my way as easily as someone else might.

  11. I’m more of an all-the-above.

    I do subscribe to the Panera Sip Club because it roughly goes along my bike routes and I’m going to buy coffee when I’m out and about anyway. I’ll probably cancel it when I reduce my riding in the winter.

    We just got a Parlor Barista location and I had a Vietneamese Iced Cold Brew from them and it was fucking excellent.

    Biggsby started opening up some location in the Indianapolis suburbs a few years ago. And for chain coffee, its pretty good. hand pulled espresso shots at a reasonable price, and they don’t overroast their beans. Only downside is almost all of their locations are along major commuter corridors and aren’t really in urban areas.

    I rarely go to Starbucks outside of traveling, though I will buy the iced Starbucks stuff at the grocerystore from time to time.

  12. I’ve never been to any of the coffee chains, I make us fresh coffee at home every morning. Sometimes from beans we grind at home, sometimes from Lavazza gran aroma.

  13. Dunkin Donuts regular coffee – I take it black – if I’m going out for coffee

    I brew douwe egberts coffee at home most days

  14. Usually Starbucks or Dunks. I travel way too much for work so it’s always refreshing, no matter where I am in the world, to be able to walk into one of those stores and order the exact same coffee. It doesn’t matter if I’m in Seoul or Tallahassee, the Starbucks is going to have a venti sweet cream cold brew with light ice.

  15. I only drink hot black coffee so I don’t have a preferred place, just wherever is convenient. I work from home and rarely leave the house so I get 99.5% of my coffee at home.

  16. Local coffee shop. I’ve got a million within walking distance. I don’t dislike Starbucks and will get it if I’m just stopping for convenience.

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