What was your experience lying to a woman to impress her, but then came clean?

  1. I was really I to this girl so I wanted to impress her by telling her my penis is 7 inches long. She was super shocked when I came clean and it is 11 inches lol

  2. I told a girl my dad’s yacht was really my own. I eventually came clean and she was really good about it.

  3. Worked out amazingly well, she was such a forgiving person. Told her I had a small penis.

  4. I owned an airplane. My dating apps were full of pictures of me flying my airplane. I dated a woman for 6 weeks and mentioned that I had to sell my airplane because I couldn’t afford it anymore. She dumped me and said that I bait-and-switched her about owning an airplane. I didn’t sell the plane for 4 more months after that, but I don’t even include the fact that I have my pilots license anymore after that experience.

  5. I told her I had previous relationships even though I was a virgin. About a month into becoming official I came clean. She was shocked (casual huble brag) but understood that there’s a social pressure about having experience and virginity was looked down upon.

    When we first met she also lied about a very private and sensitive topic of hers but came clean soon after.

    We discussed our feelings and agreed that both our tumultuous childhood experiences taught us to lie in order to survive. That we had a lot to work on and try to support each other as much as we can. Then we set a boundary where we’d forgive each other lies if we come clean before anybody finds out because that would mean we only came clean from a fear of getting caught. But ultimately we would not want to lie at all. We both were each other’s first to develop unconditional love in our lives. If we were with anyone else, they probably wouldn’t have stayed with us. But we met each other at the right time.

    We both still go to therapy till this day ( 5 years now) but in a much better place. Happiest I’ve ever been.

  6. I once told a girl I was a black belt in karate until one day I left my kit bag at her place and she discovered my very green belt!

    I was mortified by it all, and apologised profusely.

  7. I did this when I was younger, like 19-20. It never went well, because not only did her fantasy about me die immediately, but she also found out I was a liar. It’s a great way to make women lose respect immediately.

  8. I was always lying about experience until I actually had some. 10/10 would recommend. Definitely clinched a few victories for me. Especially early on when I only had sex with 2 women while the girls I was seeing had like 5+ partners. I told one chick eventually and she was surprised because she thought I was a huge fuckboi. But gained some respect for me. Now I have to sort of downplay the other way so girls don’t think I’m a horn dog who’ll fuck anything

    I also lied about my ethnicity to get laid a couple times. I’m Asian but look a little ambiguous and speak Russian and basic Korean so I’ll say I’m Russian or Korean and that seems to impress certain women who got fetishes. When I came clean they would very obviously be disappointed. I couldn’t sustain the lie that long anyway if things ever got serious.

    I stopped doing that because it shows in a way I was ashamed at who I am. Plus it’s much more impressive that I’m not Russian or Korean but learned those languages. Add some cultural knowledge and it’s like women get all the benefits of dating a Russian or a Korean guy without the downsides.

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