I once stopped because the girl I was doing it with, who used to hint via texts that she was a freak under the sheet, was just lying there, no matter what I do. She made no sound, no expression/emotions. She just lay there, existing. It creeped me out so much, I had to stop and leave.

  1. Her mom walked in, and then screamed.
    I don’t think her mom realized at the time, that we were, uh, active.

  2. Young and inexperienced, she tried her luck with the good ol’ handy Andy treatment and decided it probably feels really good for me if she tried FUCKING BENDING IT… Needless to say it instantly killed the mood and I ended up curing my blue balls independently.

  3. The girl I was with at the time bit my collar bone hard enough to make me stop. I told her to not bite my collar bone and if she did, don’t do it so hard. Went back to action and like a minute later she bit the same exact spot to where I started bleeding and I literally said out loud “what the fuck, seriously? Get out. Go home. What the fuck is wrong with you? I LITERALLY just told you not to do that.”

  4. Already came once. Went for round two in the same session. Was drunk and not feeling like there was an end in sight. Pretended that I came twice, pulled off the condom and chucked it like I came twice. End of story.

  5. That girl sounds like my most recent ex, or rather attempt at a relationship. Never have I had a woman claim to have achieved orgasm with absolutely no indication. Yeah she was probably lying, but when women do that they at least put on a show.

  6. So this one time, a girl told me she wanted to be choked. I was a younger, dumber man at the time and didn’t know proper techniques, etc. I was under the impression that everyone knows tap out before you pass out. She didn’t feel the same way, I guess. So she went limp and I immediately stopped. She was mad about that. Still don’t get it.

  7. My ex was really into anime and hentai, when we fucked she did the most ridiculous Asian porn style moan like she was in pain or some shit. We’re both British and white it was ridiculous, so yeah I stopped and told her she sounded stupid it was a massive turn off.

  8. When I was 18, I was at my girlfriend’s parents’ house and we were going at it pretty quiet because they were home. They didn’t care if we were doing it as long as we used protection, but in our excitement we didn’t shut the door properly and I saw this shadow pass by…

    I looked over my should and her mom was leaning into the room to close the door. Our eyes met as she said “Have a good night, kids,” and that was the end of that.

  9. I once stopped during a one night stand because I was really drunk and the smell of the girl’s vajayjay was so bad it made me have to go hurl my guts

    I also once stopped while giving a long term girlfriend oral because I was so tired (after working a 12hr day out in the scorching sun and then driving 3hrs to go see her while she was living away at university) that I literally fell asleep between her legs

    I also once stopped because I was sick with flu and I couldn’t concentrate well enough for my dick to even stay hard and then the softer it got the more anxious I got about the whole thing and so after a couple of minutes it was like trying to push a piece of rope uphill

    I also once stopped with my first girlfriend because I had just passed my driving test so we decided to go “christen” my car down this tiny dirt track we knew about that was very secluded. Turned out some hikers also knew about it and although we saw them approaching in time to not get caught _sans clothing,_ we still had to beat a hasty retreat with our heads down pretending like we hadn’t just been doing what we’d been doing even though we quite clearly had… I was about to blow my load too which was hugely frustrating

    I’m sure I could keep going here

  10. I noticed the old bowl of ceral next to her bed. Idc if the girls a 10, they’re a fuckin 0 if they’re grotty.

  11. In no particular order:

    Leg cramp (common),
    undercarriage stench (not mine!),
    boredom, exhaustion,
    naughty animal,
    unexpected company,
    mosquitoes (outdoors, wrong place, wrong time).

  12. Well it was my last ONS and I realized mid-fuck that I really wasn’t interested in someone shallow and genuinely just dipped to reconsider my priorities.

    I want to do it with someone I’m genuinely attracted to, and I ditched this ONS to service that.

  13. My ex would talk so condensing to me that while changing positions, she said some remark in a condensing way that It turned me off and I just grabbed my dick, pulled my pants off, and walked away .

  14. Long story short. Caught a glimpse of a picture of her and a dude on the nightstand. I stopped mid stroke and asked who is this? She replied that is my husband. You don’t have to worry about him, we are separated and he has no key to the house.

  15. She started dirty talking all of a sudden, and my brain wasn’t ready to come up with dirty talk, so the exchange went something like…

    Her: Im your dirty little wh*re
    Me: ……..you are??🐒🤔

    We both awkward paused for a few seconds, started laughing and couldn’t stop.

  16. A cop, who noticed a blue dark window tinted Mustang rocking off its shocks. A cop who shined his flashlight into the back seat.

  17. was w a girl who expressed she was new to intimacy (we were both like 18ish and just out of HS). said she wanted to try but then looked terrified after i took our clothes off. so i stopped, put clothes on, i made us tea, and we just sat on the porch and talked until early morning.

  18. I leaned in close to her ear and whispered “are you feeling it now Mr Krabs” had to stop we were laughing too much

  19. Really crazy girl (nice and fun person, but also really manic and messy AF) was blowing me and then hoped on me before I could grab my condom. About 30 seconds in I just saw a flash of an imagined future of being financially and genetically tied to this person for the rest of my life). Iv never gone soft faster.

    I just told her I don’t have sex without protection and she understood and then we smashed more (with protection).

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