I’m pretty stressed out by this entire situation. I’ve been with my partner for 2 years or so (we live together), and I haven’t a bad word to say about her! After a lot of failed relationships/stretches of singledom that really wore down my mental health, she’s everything I ever dreamed of both as a kind, funny, interesting person and one of the hottest people I’ve ever dated. Plus the most open communication I’ve ever had, so we normally nip problems in the bud

Apart from this one, which I’m struggling with because I don’t even know what’s happening myself. I’ve noticed over the last few months or so I just haven’t been in the mood. My sex drive isn’t the highest anyway (I’ve always have a bit of anxiety around sex which is a whole thing), but at its worst something about even kissing makes me a bit uneasy/anxious, which is new. And it only seems to apply at home? If we’re on holiday together, usually it’s better. Also if I’m on a night out and flirting with strangers (permitted in our relationship), my drive seems to come back with a vengeance! Which is nice to bring back home but almost feels like a betrayal. Like if it can be there for randoms, why isn’t it there for my partner day-to-day?

The whole thing makes me feel shitty. I don’t really know what I should do, or maybe this is just normal? I worry that she’ll be unsatisfied over time is it doesn’t come back…

**TL;DR; I sometimes don’t feel like even kissing my partner, but if I flirt with randoms I never feel that, and it sometimes increases my desire back home. Is this normal? Is there something wrong with me?**.

  1. Could just be what your into… but if you have issue with it and it’s an issue I respect I would do some soul searching on the matter and see if it’s your relationship where maybe you could focus the energy on. In the mood to flirt? Grab your girl and act like your meeting her for the first time. Maybe it’s the thrill of the chase and lack of monotony. Either way kudos for open communication and not wanting to cross boundaries. Even your own.

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