I live in the UK, I went to Florida a few years back and became addicted to slim Jim’s. I’ve be trying to find them online with no luck. Is there anywhere I can buy them online which ships to the UK?

  1. Not the same but you can always ask /r/SnackExchange.
    Heck I might trade you some for hedgehog crisps, always wanted to try those.

  2. I often order things from Europe that are hard to find in the US. I have a lot of luck using a VPN to set my location to the country the item is from – then make sure the website supports international shipping.

    Have you tried that? Set a VPN to the US and find a place with international shipping?

    Or tried going to Amazon.com instead of Amazon.co.uk?

    If those don’t work, the Snack Exchange sub will probably have someone willing to help ship you bulk slim jims.

    (Also I recommend trying Chomps brand – very good too)

  3. Just looked at Amazon for slim Jim’s and they do have them Don’t know about shipping overseas. Shipping to UK is 36$. Lol

  4. Took me about 2 seconds to find dozens of answers online for vendors who ship Slim Jims to the UK. Are your search engines that janky over there Brits?

    Also, reconsider your food choices. Slim Jims are just normal beef jerky with a bunch of corn syrup added. Tasty, but super-unhealthy. You could make them yourself by buying normal beef jerky and letting them soak in some corn syrup for a day.

  5. So there are quite a few online American food stores in the U.K. I don’t have any of them saved unfortunately but just google “American food stores” and it will come up. Or you might be able to find them on Amazon U.K. I would always get my favourite snacks from all those places when I was living in London!!

  6. OP I do find boxes of Slim Jim on the U. S. Amazon.

    What happens if you search there?

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