Do you ever feel the need to tell a new partner that you have breast implants before you become intimate? Or would you rather they find out in the first moment of intimacy?

  1. Only if they ask. Mine were done after breastfeeding and aren’t super obvious. Mostly people don’t notice, so I don’t feel I need to bring it up. If someone has a problem at that point, then we aren’t a good match, I guess.

  2. Now that I’ve had mine for several years I barely even think about them and so bringing them up to a new love interest doesn’t really even cross my mind either. I’d say the discussion about having implants usual just happens when conversating about something that makes me remember them and I’m like “oh yeah, you know I have implants right?” Lol. This could be pre- or post-intimacy.

  3. Idk I’m super open about it. PPL Can tell as soon as they grab them. I also have scaring on one side due to reduction. So I just bring it up if they look curious or concerned. Lol. No one ever had a problem with my boobs before or now! 💚

  4. I tell them whenever it comes up, I’m super open about all of my body mods. To me it’s no different than all my tattoos and piercings, I never hide it but I also don’t go out of my way to talk about it.

    So far nobody has cared, and it hasn’t had any effect on intimacy in any way.

  5. I’ve had mine for 11 years . I stopped mentioning anything for the past few years now as if they can’t already tell and are shocked when they do notice , that’s their problem … and also they’re a part of me , I don’t see them as separate so sometimes I forget about them.

    It’s not visibly noticeable, but they are to the touch, but I couldn’t care less what other men think.

    I have the very severe form of tubular breast hypoplasia (I have just made an Instagram page sharing my story on the condition), and my implants are so so important to me☺️

    Though if during intimacy, I do need to mention because they can’t be squeezed or handled roughly because 1) I’m so paranoid about causing damage and they are 11 years old now, and 2) mine are under the muscle and it bloody hurts sometimes!

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