My boyfriend (M23) And I (F21) have been dating for 4 years. It has always been Nice but lately he’s been colder than usual like ‘the alpha male’.

Im in college so I started working at the emergency room in the evenings (till 10/11) to make money. He got upset with me that I don’t behave a like good female because I want to work in the evenings. He also said that if I keep working in the evenings and god forbid something happens that he won’t care. His words were ‘idc if they find you dead in a lake the next morning because you chose not to listen to my advice (of not working in evenings.’ I don’t know what to do right now. Btw i have a car and I always use my car when I go to work. Do I need to quit my job or do I need to work it out.

Whenever I don’t follow his advice he acts like this. Like he doesn’t care about me anymore. He says that he does this for my protection.. I just don’t know anymore. Should I just quit my job?

TLDR: read title

  1. Listen to what every single Redditor is saying to you and take what they say to heart. Leave him. No one who loves his gf tells her he doesn’t care if she’s dead, ok? I don’t care what he says “he really means by that.” No one who loves you, would say that.

  2. You are asking entirely the wrong question.

    Your question should be, “Do I leave my boyfriend who is shockingly abusive and misogynistic?”

    The answer is yes, yes you should. Preferably before he dumps you in a lake himself to “teach you a lesson.”

  3. Geez is he a misogynistic person much? Women shouldn’t work in the evenings? Dump this guy

  4. I just want you to know that the behavior you are experiencing is NOT normal, healthy, or respectful. What he said, there is no excuse for. He told you that you mean nothing to him to manipulate you into submission. This sounds like conditioning because you seem to be ok with it and feel it’s normal. You feel the issue here is if you should quit your job.

    You don’t need to answer these questions to me but, I implore you to answer them to yourself.

    Do you feel like you deserve to be treated like that? Do you want someone who values your life? Do you want your decisions to be controlled by someone else?

    I know it can be difficult to recognize when you are inside the box. So, let me flip this.

    “My boyfriend recently started to get very pushy with me because he wants me home at night. I’ve been in school to try and better myself and it’s left me broke. So, I got myself a part time job. The issue is, the night shift is what’s available.

    My boyfriend has tried to get me to quit my job. He’s not a fan of me working at night. He tells me all the time. Over time it’s just gotten worse. One time he even told me that he wouldn’t care if someone unalived me because I told him I couldn’t afford to quit.

    He’s become very aggressive with his opinion and I’m wondering if the argument is even worth it anymore. Do you think I should just quit?”

    I hope this brings perspective to you and wish you the best.

  5. Don’t quit your job, quit your relationship. Your boyfriend is an idiot.

  6. >Should I just quit my job?

    No, you should quit wasting your time on this troglodyte.

  7. You need to quit this relationship. Your job is not the problem. Your controlling AH bf is.

  8. DO NOT quit your job for this asshole. but DO ask yourself if you want to be in a relationship with some dickhead who refers to you as a “good little female” (literally made even me feel gross.) because this behaviour will get worse and its always going to feel like you are in the wrong. this man doesnt care about you, you said it for yourself. and honestly if i were you I would test that theory and dump his ass and see what he says then. maybe then he can go find a woman with no self respect and whose just as sexist as he is.

    you deserve better

  9. How on earth do you type all of this out and come to the conclusion that you should *quit your job* instead of *leave your weirdly controlling and cruel boyfriend*????

  10. Your in school, working a part time job doing everything right to situate your future and you are asking if you need to quit your job?? Girl please, continue working and going to school, those are your best two main priorities!

  11. >He says that he does this for my protection..

    It’s about control and his tiny ego. Keep the job, lose the bf.

  12. If you quit your job you will become increasingly reliant on him. This allows him to have total financial control over you and it will be more and more difficult for you to leave, should you choose to. He is forcing this decision onto you purposefully, that is what abusive partners do in relationships. Please take care of yourself first and foremost.

    I’m urging you to take this very seriously. Coming from someone who has been in abusive relationships please put yourself first, and think about what is the best for you and your future.

  13. >*Whenever I don’t follow his advice he acts like this. Like he doesn’t care about me anymore.* ***He says that he does this for my protection.***

    He’s a liar! He does it for his own control.

    Someone who loves you does not say, ‘IDC if they find you dead. Would serve you right cuz’ you should have listened to me.’ **Do you not see how callous of an asshole you have to be to actually SAY something like that?**

    DTMFA and find a better BF.

  14. I’m sorry but like…if you don’t have the sense to leave this relationship there’s no helping you.

  15. When are children going to quit this “alpha” nonsense? Only an idiot would behave this way. Your boyfriend is acting incredibly bizarre saying you’re not acting like a good female? You need to leave this child.

  16. Your boyfriend tells you he doesn’t care if you’re dead and your first thought is to quit your job? Are you okay?

  17. “I don’t behave like a good female” this language is so ewwww OP dump him, he doesn’t care about you

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