How do you feel about the imminent menopause?

  1. I long for the day I don’t have to deal with periods and potential pregnancy.

  2. Makes me sad. If I became a woman when I started my period, what the hell I am now?

  3. I wish it would get here more quickly. I’ve been looking forward to menopause since my first period.

  4. I wish it would just hurry up and get here. Based on my mom, I probably have 3 or 4 years left. I can’t fucking wait!!!

  5. Can’t wait. I just want to never have my period again, I struggle so much with the pain and heavy bleedings that I can’t leave my home for the first few days. It’s a fucking prison and I can’t wait to leave it.

    I’ve been wanting to get a hysterectomy including my ovaries since I was about 15 (but have continuously been denied to the point where I’ve now given up), so I’ve been preparing for and been very fine with menopause effects most of my life.

  6. I had a partial hysterectomy two years ago at 36 so no more pesky periods. So many people have asked me if I feel like less of a woman? Hell no, my periods were a painful nightmare and I feel so free knowing I have no more pregnancies or periods. I’m pretty scared of menopause especially as the one benefit of getting through it is losing the monthly’s!

  7. Makes me laugh that I’m actually being DOWNVOTED for stating something so personal.

  8. I’d really like to opt out and just skip over that part, thanks, I’m honestly just not looking forward to having to deal with it. I find myself wondering why women have to deal with all this bullshit; bleeding monthly for years, being the one at risk of pregnancies and all a pregnancy entails, and then finally ending with this load of crap, while men only have a midlife crisis to deal with. Buying a Porsche, getting a hairpiece and trying to date a younger partner sounds a lot more fun than the plethora of awful symptoms that menopause can cause in a woman, which may apparently last for up to 14 fucking years.

  9. Given that I’m pretty much in it; it’s ok. Glad that I don’t have to worry about my period anymore unless it decides to be an asshole again and show up at the 11th month. Rude. But the only thing I hate are the hot flashes. Fuck those things.

  10. Not looking forward to it. I already have PCOS, so I feel like menopause and PCOS are going to form an unholy alliance, and menopause is going to amplify all of my PCOS-related struggles.

  11. Doesnt feel imminent when perimenopause lasts 10-15 years with a shit ton of horrific symptoms** when your hormones go up and down and lets do another rollercoaster looping on top of that

    **ask me how I now

  12. I was ready and then the gushing started. Got a hysterectomy and things got better. But then for a. Few months I had hot flashes that may be menopause or could be medication related and now I know it’s going to be awful.

  13. Menopause or correctly peri menopause symptoms suck. Nearly as bad as 40 years of periods. Get your hormones checked and replaced – if you can. That’s what has saved me.

  14. I basically took birth control pills from the time I was 18 until I was 50. I always heard about women taking hormone replacement while they were going through menopause. But these hormones causes cancer. Son my thinking was birth control pills are the same thing as replacing your hormones. So why not just stay on the field till I go through menopause. I told my gynecologist this and he left and said it doesn’t always work out that way. When I was 50 and went in for my yearly he said you got to stop taking your pills for a month so I can check your blood and see where you’re at for menopause. I did came back had the blood test and said well you’re not quite there yet and gave me another prescription for another year. My next year Lee comes up and I quit taking the birth control pills a month before so they can test my blood while I’m there. While I’m still there he comes back and says congratulations you went through menopause. I looked at him and said I want a second opinion. He laughed and said do you want me to do it or do you want to go somewhere else and I said oh you can just do it again. And he was correct I went through menopause. I looked at him and I said haha I told you that taking birth control pills will get me through menopause. I would recommend taking birth control pills until you go through menopause to anybody. And of course when I found out I was through menopause, I did the happy dance. No more periods. Now I can look and then 20 year old girls they think they got something on me and I say yeah your next 30 years of being having a period. Hell yes

  15. Worried about hot flashes, that sounds terrible. Other than that, excited to stop having periods.

  16. Just started perimenopause and I have no idea what is happening to my body haha. Not looking forward to what other symptoms will come my way but I’ll be happy once my period is completely gone.

  17. I’ve been stopping my periods with birth control for well over 10 years and I’ve been oversensitive to heat my whole life, so… I probably won’t even realize when it happens. My mother had a really mild menopause. But it will be nice to no longer be treated like a potential baby factory by doctors/relatives/random strangers.

  18. I’d feel better about it if it didn’t take so long to get here. I’ve never wanted kids and bleeding for 40+ years while my period resets itself every 8-10 months is frustrating as hell.

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