Like if you are super depressed or angry or upset and you need a quick dose of happy what things do you do that you may not normally?

Examples: eat an entire tub of icecream, binge watch tv/movies, wear “give up on life pants” (sweat/pajamas/lazy day clothes), go binge shopping, etc.

  1. Depends on what’s caused the mood. I’ve been in a bit of a low mood for a week now so I went and bought myself a bigger lego set then I usually would purchase. I’m going to build it on my two days off that past me is so glad I booked.

  2. It’s nice that good old Candy Crush still exists ten years later. I literally used it to curb a panic attack just a few hours ago.

  3. Eating too many baked goods—brownies, cake, cookies, cinnamon rolls, macarons, pie

  4. For shorter periods: Binge shop stuff for my hobbies, like art supplies or books about these hobbies.

    For the long term depression: Reading really cheesy and spicy romance novels.

  5. Reality tv, nothing like other peoples drama when I don’t want to deal with mine

  6. When i get upset i stay up really late (like im doing right now) and write angsty poetry, pages and pages of it

  7. I eat as many chocolates as I can, within (some) reason lol. I am also a sucker for hazelnut chocolate (sometimes Nutella, sometimes other brands). I have no self control when I’m feeling bad/depressed/down. I also live in pjs, so that’s another comfort thing.

  8. Thank you all so much for your wonderful answers you’ve helped me more than you can know ( ^ – ^ )

  9. Binge disney+ or anything that brings me happy nostalgia. I definitely watched an unhealthy amount of disney movies last month, it was one of the only things to distract me.

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