Moving can mean getting chores/ errands done, working out, going to work; just in general what is your experience when overcoming this?

  1. Midol, a heating pad, staying hydrated, and bribing myself with the thought of getting to have some kind of treat after my work is done.

  2. As I’m currently lying in bed suffering…maybe chocolate might inspire me to get up and going lol

  3. My period is not very hard, but I avoid working out till 6th day. And reusable pads help a lot to feel comfortable and confident.

  4. I mean, I have to go to work anyway, and paying for my gym membership helps to kick my ass to keep working out. 😂 (although I wouldn’t recommend it if your cramps are really bad, I’m lucky since I rarely get bad ones)

  5. My menstrual disc, iron supplements and the things that must absolutely get done. Sometimes a mini tens unit.

  6. Drinking hella water, specifically hot water and Tylenol. Also, sitting on the toilet helps my cramps.

    The first few days I just want to lay around and curl up into a ball because I feel like that will make me feel better, but in reality, getting up and moving around is what actually makes me feel better. It’s a shitty catch 22 and most times I end up relaxing. lol

  7. I work overtime to get extra things done (chores, bill paying, etc) prior to my period starting. I only have *just enough* energy to get through work. Once I get home, though, my new job is making sure I’m comfortable enough to salvage just enough sleep for the next day

  8. Money is a big motivation, and feeling of obligation to my job/ the customers (elderly person lost the power to half of their home? Yup give me 20 minutes.) Extra caffiene, promise of extra cuddles when I get home, and loud screaming rock and metal music to drive to.

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