I have had a rough night. My boyfriend made me think he was going to unalive himself and I had called his mom and the cops.. his mom then called me an hour later saying he’d been lying about everything. He lied about living in a neglectful abusive home. He lied about his dad dying. He lied about everything, since the second we met. And he admitted it. I don’t know what to do. Thoughts?

Edit: He said his reasoning was to make me feel like he understood what I was going through and to feel like I wasn’t alone.

  1. He waved his giant red flag in your face and you’re still wondering what to do???

    You owe yourself a bit of love, care and respect!

    Walk away, and don’t look back! You can’t fix him!

  2. >. I don’t know what to do.

    End the relationship immediately and never speak to him again.

  3. liars like this ultimately become very dangerous people to be around. they have a serious lack of morals. please leave him.

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