I work for an extremely large fashion magazine in the luxury sector and often have to post my articles or gifts on Instagram or Twitter for engagement and as requested by the brands, etc – I have over 40,000 followers and lots of lovely readers of said magazine follow me. It’s the second largest magazine in the U.K and I’m incredibly proud of the work I do, day in day out.

I have been with my partner for over 2 years, he is wonderful and extremely supportive of my career. His friends, on the other hand, who are very rich but work for charities, etc, berate my job and berate me for the articles I write.

The final straw was tonight, when posting an article I wrote interviewing a celebrity, one of my boyfriends friends replied to my Instagram saying;

“When are you being nominated for the worst content award?”

I’m extremely upset by this. They never fail in asking for free gifts, or free tickets for events that I am given, but never fail to make snide, horrible comments about my job and my livelihood. I have brought this up with my partner and he said he will talk to them about it, but I’m unsure of where to go from here.


  1. Your boyfriend clearly has said nothing. That’s where your focus needs to be. You can cut them out of your life if you so choose. They treat you like shit and are disrespectful.

    But logically your boyfriend won’t want that and I happen. If that’s the case, he needs to stand up for you. If he doesn’t, you have a decision to make. Good luck.

  2. Girl, insult them back. They’re being assholes on purpose. Nothing wrong with being one back. You’re successful! They’re just being hateful. And if your boyfriend has been witnessing this then RUN

  3. When they ask for favors, remind them what they’ve said. When they 8ndult your job, remind them.of the favors they’ve asked for.

    Block them on social media. If they ake comments in person, call them on it right then. “You make it clear you despise what I do, yet you and i are both important to [bf]. Do you hope I’ll just go away?

  4. No more favors. Don’t reply online, but cut them out hard privately.

    They think they’re saving the world, when most charities are honestly more of a grift.

    Nonprofits breed some truly ugly beliefs and behavior.

    At least what you do is honest.

  5. Your boyfriend tolerates this, which is not okay. It’s on him to tell them to back off, and he hasn’t.

    But, also, next time they ask for a freebie say “No, can’t do that- it’s for your own good. I wouldn’t want to sully your pure soul with my corporate blood money.”

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