how many people have you asked out before one said yes?

  1. Was only shot down once. Rest of relationships they said yes or they did the asking.

  2. In my experience it is a ratio of about 8:1. Ask 8 out, will end up having a significant relationship with 1.

    This will vary of course radically person to person. It also stacks out horribly over time. Let’s say in my 50 years, I have had 10 significant relationships. There are times where I had to ask out 40 before getting one positive interaction.

    Hard odds but for me well worth the effort.

    I put it down to a few factors such as that I am terrible at reading which partners would be receptive, so many are in existing relationships (80% of the failures I would say) at the time, practical problems such as distance, jobs, etc.

  3. All of them have said yes, I dont even think I’m very attractive at all.

    Been on dates with 5 people, the first 4 I wasnt feeling it but the 5th girl is my current girlfriend and she is the sweetest and cutest girl I know and have ever met and I am incredibly lucky to be with her.

    The first, second and fourth girl were from tinder. The third girl I met at a palaeontology event at my uni. The fifth girl is my current girlfriend and i met her at her flat through mutual friends at uni.

  4. Like in a row? 9th grade I one day decided that I wanted a girlfriend because after all I was in HS now. So I made a list of girls I wanted to date in ranked order and committed myself to going down the list until one said yes. Got psyched up, convinced myself to face the rejection and go through the list and surely I would have a girlfriend. First girl I asked said yes and we dated through all of high school. It was great for both of us. I finally told her I loved her Senior year after things became more intimate. She said she didn’t feel the same way and she had come to understand that she was gay. She’s married to a woman now for many years and they seem perfect for each other.

  5. Early on, when a pretty face was enough to catch my interest? I’d ask out five women out of which one might say yes. I rarely mustered the courage to ask out the women who were actually interested in me, though.

    Over time, that changed. I didn’t ask women out because *I* found *them* attractive, but because *we* had chemistry. In fact, “asking out” is the wrong term. I just suggested we spend some more time together. A much more mutual and organic thing, and sometimes they suggested it rather than me. And at that point rejection ratios had become meaningless. IMO, dating is only a numbers game if you make it one.

  6. Asked 25-50 times, lost count and don’t care to remember. 0 yes.

    All my relationships and dates have been from them asking. Or basically telling me I should ask them.

  7. I’ve only asked two people and both said yes, but I’ve told others I had a crush on them or that I liked them but I didn’t want a relationship because I knew we were too different or I wasn’t in the best place to have a relationship and reassured them that our friendship wouldn’t be affected. It was a way to help myself stop feeling that way while also making sure they didn’t hear weird rumours about it.

  8. ive been turned down once before i had my first date, and in my entire lifetime ive been turned down like 15 times or something?

  9. Well I’m currently on 20ish and so far none. Also I’ve grouped together all kinds of rejections.

  10. As many as it takes.

    The best thing about dating/mating/relationships, is if you get 300 ‘nos’ and 1 ‘yes’, that still counts as success. All it takes is one.

  11. Not quite the same, but the match-date ratio for men on Tinder is 5-10. For women it is about 3-1.

  12. I think my record is about two to one on yes vs. no. Obviously, not every yes turns into an actual relationship, but I seem to do an okay job of gauging whether or not someone would be interested in a date with me.

  13. 0.

    I’ve been asked out directly 5 times in my life, and indirectly at least a few more, a few girlfriends and one (still) wife.

    I never asked any of them out.

  14. Asking someone out to me is more of a vibe check. I’ll ask if they want to do this thing with me. And it’s pretty apparent it’s a date. And I’d say 3/4 normally very socially acceptably turn it down, and the ones who are down make it known they are down.
    I don’t cold approach, because there’s no reason for me to do that.
    Just talk to friends of friends at social gatherings or parties

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