Would you think less of them? Lose respect for them?

  1. As long as it happened *once*, and as long as they didn’t go to some shady place where there’d be a significant risk that the workers were being exploited, it wouldn’t change.

  2. Nope – don’t care. As long as the sex worker was a consenting adult, my opinion is that it’s none of my business what a friend chooses to do in their own sex life.

    Now…..if it was a partner and I wasn’t informed? Whole different conversation.

  3. Not really. Why would it? If they’d been alone for a while I can for sure imagine they’d want someone for physical contact and the feeling of being touched. I don’t have any problems with sex workers or people who go there, provided of course it’s a normal legally operating sex worker. I’m explicitly not talking about shady stuff or human trafficking things and such you sometimes see in the news.

  4. Assuming you mean that they paid to access another human for sex, then my opinion would change negatively. I would consider them less safe to be around. I would lose some respect for them as a person. I’d lose trust in their judgment and ethical core. Our friendship would become more distant at a minimum, but it also might just end as trust and safety are important to me in a friendship.

  5. I absolutely would think less of them and frankly be disgusted. Sex trafficking still happens in places where sex work is legal; how could you ever be sure that that person could actually consent?

  6. Depends on how he treated her and how he talks about her. If he’s condescending or derogatory, that’s a no from me because he’s a misogynistic and hypocritical.

  7. I would much rather people hired sex workers and paid them fairly that to do something like manipulate reluctant people into sex. I think a lot of people would be much happier if se work was destigmatized.

  8. Wouldn’t care as long as everyone was consenting and an adult. I believe sex work should be legalized and regulated to make it safer for all.

  9. Yes, it would change for the worse. I don’t think I would end the friendship over it, but I would think worse of them.

    How much, it would depend on how the deal went down. If there was any potential that the person was unsafe or being exploited, my opinion would be more impacted. If it was a legit, fair deal, it’s not so bad, but I would still be disappointed in them, because I personally consider it gross to have sex with someone who doesn’t want you.

  10. It would only change because why is my platonic male friend talking to me about his sexual history? That’s not something I would ever in ten thousand lifetimes bring up on my own. Unless you’re fucking me, I don’t want to hear about your sex life.

    But it would change for the worse.

  11. I would be very curious about what motivated them to do that. It would be difficult for me to resist the urge to ask inappropriate questions.

  12. I’m not sure how I would even know that information, since I don’t get into discussions of bedroom habits with friends.

  13. Ehh. It’s a platonic friend so I don’t need to approve of every single action that they take. I don’t think I would think any more of it then any friend making a decision I don’t quite understand or wouldn’t make myself.

  14. I do know this about some of my male friends and it improves my opinion of them since (in my friends’ case at least) it’s reflective of them having a positive attitude about sex work and sex workers, which is aligned with my politics as well.

  15. I would rid them from my life. Don’t want people like that anywhere near my near and dear ones.

  16. I wouldn’t care, I’d probably ask a lot of uncomfortable follow up questions though, but he’s already my friend he should know that about me already.

  17. No. Why would I, so long as the sex worker was an adult working as a sex worker on their own choice? That is like judging someone for having a housekeeper. That person has a need, so they hire someone to meet that need.

  18. If they have taken basic steps to ensure that the person is working consensually, and he treats them with the same degree of respect that he would any other professional service provider, I’d be enthusiastically supportive. Sex workers can fill certain needs and provide for certain desires in a safe, emotionally & logistically clean, professional way. I wish more people would consider it tbh, and I wish less people viewed it as shameful.

  19. Honestly as long as they were respectful and paid well I wouldn’t care. I live in a country where sex work is legal

  20. Why would I care? Why would I lose respect, what he does and with whom and what he does with his money is his business, not everything a man does is an attack on women. Consensual sex money or not is not your business

  21. I would not think less of them unless they were rude about the sex worker’s job. Like I always say, it would be hypocritical of me to say I support sex workers but not want them to have any work!

  22. The act of paying someone to sleep with them does not bother me.
    What I would care about if it was consensual and they were legal age.
    I would think less of the man if she was BARELY 18. If she was 22+? I would have less emotions about it.

  23. Nah it’ll just be the same but I’ll be curious. I’d definitely ask a lot of questions. But if they disclosed that they were horrible clients to sex workers then I’d be really upset.

  24. “Hired” is past tense. I’m in my thirties.

    I could absolutely see myself meeting someone who had hired a sex worker in their early twenties, enjoyed it, then years later realized how predatory the industry is and now deeply regrets it. I don’t think they should be seen as heinous forever for that.

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