I’m 18, and when I masturbate I usually end up reaching orgasm in less than one minute, almost always less than 5 minutes. It kinda scared me because I thought I wouldn’t be able to last but it’s quite the opposite.

When I have sex, I just last way too long. Its not because I get turned off or anything, in fact some of the past sexual experiences I’ve had were really really hot. But every-time I end up having to finish myself off at the end which is kind of awkward because I think it makes her feel like she didn’t do good enough.

any advice on how to reach orgasm quicker?

  1. Masturbate using a lot of lube and a loose grip. Many men masturbate with a lot of friction, a dry hand, and a tight grip. Of course, this sets you up so that when there’s less sensation since a vagina’s grip can’t compare with your hand, you’re not going to be able to reach orgasm. Begin by creating less sensation [during masturbation sessions.](https://tpi02.wordpress.com/2022/09/29/powerful-male/)

  2. It could be psychological. When you are alone you tend to finish quicker because your in your comfort zone. Being with a partner is different. It can feel good and you can feel comfortable with that person but focusing on their pleasure as well as your own can be a challenge. Take your time relax talk to your partner what you like, any fantasy’s things like that

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