I realized that in 5 years or even in 10 years I don’t think it’ll be possible for me to get married.

At what age are you guys going to give up searching and just decide to stay single ?

  1. I’m 24 and I’ve been with my boyfriend for two years so I think that in five years we will probably be married or at least engaged

  2. If I believed in god I would pray that I will never get married! I like my freedom. I just want to date someone for a bit.

  3. I’ll never give up. I’m 29. Very set on finding the right person and raising a family. Always working to improve myself in the meantime.

  4. Honestly I get more enjoyment imagining being married then actually being married.

  5. Well I’m 24M. And I don’t see myself even trying to get married till my 30’s. And I think I’d have to have been with whoever I’m with at the time for a good couple of years with a very solid foundation for an LTR.

    I’m not even overly fussed about marriage in itself. It’s mostly bells and whistles that legally disadvantage me. I’m all behind the spiritual aspect, but maybe not a fan of what it does government wise.

  6. I either see myself in a relationship with a woman I’m giving my all to, or lonely, depressed and single. The third option is I’ll be dead by then.

  7. I don’t see myself getting married in 5 years. Never been in a relationship, let alone a date. I’m currently not dating anybody at the moment, and I don’t think I’ll be dating anytime soon. I’m only 23M, but I’ve already been trying to accept the fact that I’ll be single for the rest of my 20s, and maybe even the 30s. Once you’re older, you don’t really have time for dating anymore. I haven’t officially called it quits yet, but I think I should call it quits now, if I’m being honest. If not now, then maybe once I’m 24/25.

  8. No, I won’t be going down the marriage or cohabitation route.

    I’ll be doing ivf coparenting.

  9. Maybe? If I was married or unmarried in 5-10 years I don’t think it’ll have a material difference on how happy I am in life. I’m happy single. I’ve been happy in relationships. With the right person I’d like that, but I’m fulfilled in other ways. 5 years for me is 37, 10 would be 42. For me a relationship and marriage isn’t the be all and end all of what I want to accomplish in life 🤷‍♀️

  10. Im ready and want to be married but to the right person. Dont want kids so dont have to worry about that internal clock, but it does get lonely sometimes and would like to change that hopefully in the next 5 years

  11. 21. I got college and I’m thinking military ahead of me maybe. I don’t see myself ever getting married as of now. May change but certainly not in 5 years.

  12. After 5 gf since high school and 1 extremely hard heartbreak I’m done with dating, so no marriage

  13. At this point, probably not but anything can happen from now until then. I’m 39 and I’ll be turning 40 next year. I’m not pushing toward even finding a relationship right now.

  14. AT 27 i met my husband, got married 2 years later. Now we have been married for 3.5 years, best years of my life. He is amazing, my best friend and my companion. We have a 14 month old as well.

    Where im getting at, is that you are only 26. So young to have decided to give up. I was in a very similar head space before meeting my husband. What helped me was staying open to opportunities, but focus on being the best me and removing any expectations. I knew that worst case scenario i would have a baby by 35, even if it meant alone. But i was open and happy.

  15. Yeah I’m enjoying single life right now, dating here and there when I have time. I’m 27F so I’m not gonna get stressed about it or anything. I believe I’ll meet the right one when the time is right, maybe when I’m at a more stable part of my life. I’ll never “give up”, I was celibate for years and not dating (around 23-26) I was at a really low point in my life, I might take breaks here and there but I’m not going to let that happen again. I want to meet the right person and I’m confident it’ll happen if I’m open and loving.

  16. I’ll be 41 this month. In the last 7 years since I left my ex husband I’ve had three short relationships and a lot of first (and last) dates. It’s looking like my ex was right that I’d never find anyone else who wanted me; I can’t seem to find a lasting love with anyone. At this point it’s hard to imagine that I’ll ever be married again. I’d love to find love again, but all I seem to attract anymore are married men looking for a side piece.

  17. Marriage oh naaah
    After the covid thingy I seriously feel like life is so unpredictable and there’s so much to do and I am always running out of time and PS I am 25F and idk

  18. I’m in a relationship, but in 5 years, if we are still together, not getting married.
    Marriage is overrated. Less than 50% of marriages fail and end in divorce. And a good number of those that stay together, stay together for all the wrong reasons. Like, they feel like they’re obligated to because of religious or family views on marriage. Some stay together because it is better financially.

    Solution: Don’t get married in the first place. Marriage is Overrated.
    P.S. I’m not saying to not get married, I’m just saying what the facts are. The odds are against you. And that I personally won’t get married. I’ll just be in a long-term relationship.

  19. I gave up at 23. Women made it quite clear that I’m not someone worth dating. At 28, all of my experiences since then have confirmed that.

  20. I’m 25F and I wanted to get married before I turned 30 but then I met the love of my life and while we can’t be together right now, I believe we’ll end up together and we can’t get married until he’s 28 and I’m 31 so at least 6 years for me!

  21. I mean, I’m 26 and I’m done… for right now. I don’t want to say I’m done for good because I have no idea what the future holds. I might meet someone and I’ll deal with all of that if/when it happens, but for right now, I’m happy to just fly solo. Not really searching but also not completely closed off.

    There’s always a possibility of meeting someone if you’re open to it. In the meantime, putting yourself under pressure to find a SO within a specific time-frame isn’t fair to yourself. Can’t say I blame you for feeling like you’re done with dating, though

  22. I’m going to get married either by the end of this year or next year. Making this happen for myself in any way possible. I’ll hold myself accountable.

  23. I don’t see myself getting remarried anytime soon. My first marriage lasted few months and when she went to the post office to check the mail she met someone and moved in with him. Found out next day that she rather live with a unmarried man not with her husband.

  24. Just turned 30. Seems way too soon🙃 I think when i’m about 47 i’ll be comfortable settling down tho 🙂 hopefully i will have accomplished most of my goals

  25. I’m 27. If you asked me at 25 if in 5 years I’d be married I’d say no. Now it’s almost a definite yes in the next 2 years or less.

  26. Had 3 failed first dates this week so no, I do not see myself getting married anytime soon. I’m 26m

  27. Marriage is a process and a journey, not a destination. Stop approaching it like an achievement you’re missing out on. If that’s how you get married, only an unhappy marriage awaits you.

  28. I definitely see myself marrying my current partner, but as we are both only about to turn 20, I think I won’t be married until 25 or so. We want to take time to finish college and become more financially stable before tying the knot.

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