men who don’t drink, why? and how do you avoid drinking alcohol?

  1. In my religion drunkenness is seen as sinful, but aside from that back in my drinking days I found it to be very addictive, I also made some stupid decisions and ruined some friendships while drunk. And I work security at pubs and clubs so my job is to deal with drunk idiots , so the last thing I wanna do in my spare time is be a drunk idiot.

    And how do I avoid it? Well, by not pouring it in my mouth and swallowing it.

  2. The handful of times I’ve tasted alcohol, it tastes like straight alcohol. So I never felt like acquiring the taste. Also having a family full of functional alcoholics why tempt fate. It’s also expensive.

  3. I never saw the point of drinking. I don’t like the taste of many drinks, and I’ve never liked the idea of being “under the influence”, not being in control. Now, I’m not a “tea-totaler”; I’ll have a beer now and then. But rarely more than once a week.

  4. I take a lot of heart meds, they kind of have this wierd effect on each other. It’s like my skin gets really cold and my toes turn purple, you know, like I’m dead or something. So, I don’t drink

  5. Almost killed myself drinking too much at a family reunion and realized the buzz I got wasn’t worth it !

  6. My dad ruined alcohol for me before I even got the opportunity to try it. I’m not bringing that shit into my life.

  7. I realized drinking hurts my sleep and triggers my anxiety. So I cut way back and I don’t miss it.

  8. How to avoid it??? I just…don’t.

    I’ve been drunk one time in my life, and I didn’t particularly enjoy it. I have all of it in the house, in case I have guests, but VERY rarely do I have one myself. I refuse to drink anything if I MIGHT need to drive, so combined with other reasons I can’t/won’t it’s rare that I even could. I’m usually a few days or even a week into a vacation before I even realize it’s an option.

    It’s just not a thing I concern myself with.

  9. Tastes like shit, expensive, gives you hangovers, makes you do dumb shit when you’re drunk, fucks up your liver. I don’t see any benefit.

    I avoid drinking alcohol the same way I avoid eating my own shit. Don’t put it in your mouth.

  10. I just kind of outgrew it. I went through a phase in college where I’d drink stupidly dangerous amounts of alcohol and try to get as drunk as possible several times a week. Then in my late 20s, I liked to casually have just a beer or 2 and maybe get a light buzz. Now I’m 31 and I just have 0 interest in drinking at all.

  11. I restrain myself to drinking only on weekends. And every weekend I tell myself Ill skip this weekend and drink the next weekend. Im using my tendency to procrastinate for a good purpose

  12. The negatives started to outweigh the positives for me.

    Did I enjoy it? Yes. But I didn’t like how it effected my mood for days after just having a few drinks. The hangovers got a lot worse, even as I was scaling back what I was drinking.

    Lastly, I had kids, I was raised in an alcoholic household and knew that I didn’t want to raise kids like that.

    The combo of all those things made it easy to stop. I initially avoided most social situations where I’d be offered a drink, but over time it’s been easy to hangout at a bar with friends for a bit.

  13. When I was younger I would drink socially. Never had any interest whatsoever in drinking alone. These days I mostly just work and come home with little socializing so I never drink.

  14. About 4 years ago I was self medicating because of work stress. It was just making me feel worse due to it affecting my sleep so I stopped drinking altogether. It wasn’t until about 4 months ago that I start having a few beers again, just shooting the shit with my older neighbor. After a few weeks of that, I stopped again. I just lost the taste for it. I am no opposed to drinking, but… I’m perfectly content not, and have no plans to drink anytime soon.

  15. I just got too old and don’t enjoy it like my early 20s, not really any medical or religious or addiction reason. I avoid it by not putting it in my mouth to drink it.

  16. I was a boarder line alcoholic from 17-19. After I got sober the cravings left and I find it’s very easy to avoid drinking. I just get virgin cocktails or nonalcoholic beer

  17. I never liked the taste. So it’s easy, when someone asks me what I want to drink I say milk, water, or a soda.

  18. I drink on occasion. My wife and I have been together 8 years, she’s seen me drunk maybe three times. I like beer and whiskey. But I don’t drink often. And i dont enjoy the feeling of being drunk. How do I avoid it? I just don’t drink it. I’ll have soda or a water. It’s not hard.

  19. I quit drinking three years ago because it gave me anxiety, fear, hangovers, and sapped my will to work out. I was using it to escape reality and the quantities of alcohol that accomplish that have significant effects on one’s mental and physical health. My social skills and insight into my own thought processes have also improved with sobriety. Shameless plug for /r/stopdrinking

  20. Never found the whole experience enjoyable. Personally never found the taste appealing and I don’t need to drink to have fun. 🤷‍♂️

  21. Well I feel like I have done almost everything I want to do with drinking. I had to stop from a health standpoint but also wanted to.

  22. Oh man…

    It is so easy to make one wrong choice that completely ruins your life.

    I have never regretted being sober. Not once.

  23. I have Aspergers, and my experience has been that the next day I feel more depressed/have less emotional discipline. I’ll have a drink here or there, but if I’m not with friends, I rarely see the point

  24. It’s an expensive way to slowly kill yourself, harming your major organs and making you worse ate everything you do whilst under the influence. It’s also hard for me to see those around me drunk and not see that they are unanimously worse people to be around after they’ve had any alcohol. That’s not the memory I want of my friends/family.

  25. I realized that if I kept drinking I was going to die. And if then the time I spent alive would be painful. Didn’t want to live life like that anymore.

  26. I don’t drink. Don’t see the point in it. Seen too many problems created in people’s lives and families by it.
    Since I am a confident mature man, I don’t allow anyone to pressure me into it. I also don’t care what anyone’s opinion is of me regarding me drinking or not.

  27. I don’t drink because I become a self centered asshole when I do. There was sober or wasted, no in between. Easiest way for me not to drink is to not be around alcohol. Sounds simple because it is.

  28. Tastes gross

    Typically is expensive

    Has no nutritional value and is just harmful all around

    I don’t like the feeling of being drunk. I prefer being in control of myself

  29. When I was a kid working my first job away from home, an “experienced” drinker thought it would be hilarious to get me stinking drunk. I was so sick that it’s a miracle I didn’t die from alcohol poisoning. Every time I smell booze or even beer it brings it all back up again.

    Besides, I think alcoholism is my blood so it’s probably best to leave that door closed and locked.

  30. I want to drink but my stomach says no every time I try. Used to be able to. Genetically speaking I come from a line of superior livers. Something is just broken with me. Yes I have been checked by a specialist, no he doesn’t have a good reason.

  31. Don’t like the taste. Don’t like headaches. Don’t like being mentally weak. And I really don’t like being pressured to do anything.

    Once I declined a drink at a business dinner and several older dudes were like, “are you all right?”

  32. Nothing has made me not want to drink more than working in EMS.

    Being around patients that have ruined or are currently ruining their lives with alcohol is enough to make me not want to have any.

    In addition to that, I dated someone that was an alcoholic, and she became very mean to me when she drank.

    I used to drink casually, but I drink rarely enough to notice significant impacts on my mood and sleep after having even just a little bit of alcohol.

    Will I drink again? Maybe, sometimes, if I want to.

    But alcohol is such an ugly little thing that causes so much harm, it’s difficult to enjoy.

  33. I normally just smoke. Would rather be high than drunk but also I’m the rare kind of stoner that is totally fine sober too. Lol

  34. I hate how it tastes, can’t stand it. That and I’ve seen so many bad things come from people drinking it, so I just avoid it regardless.

  35. I got super crazy fitness model-tier fit recently, I even got booked for a photoshoot.

    On my first cut and second bulk I was still drinking, I gave it up for weed instead on my second cut because I realised how much serious damage alcohol does to your body on my monthly bloodwork, you can see the changes in my blood, liver and kidneys from just a few drinks each weekend.

    So I gave it away for training 6 months ago and looking at my new body coupled with what I know about nutrition keeps me away 😀

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