What is the biggest thing you’re a hypocrite about?

  1. I’ll preach good eating on r/nutrition while guzzling down a “family size” box of Oreos. I’m like 10lbs under my usual weight so gotta get in those dense calories… right??? RIGHT???

  2. Meat consumption / animal farming.

    I try but not as hard as I could to not eat products made by effectively torturing animals. I think ethical meat consumption exists for sure, but that’s not what I’m usually doing.

  3. Telling people to cut all ties with their ex, I still work with her brother, and my life is hell because of it, but interviews terrify me and I don’t have reliable transport, so yea, still there 😅

  4. I’m very hypocritical of assholes. Yet I’m a pretty big asshole but I have an excuse I’m autistic and don’t actually mean to be an asshole just the way my brain works it just comes out as being an asshole lol

  5. Eating healthy. I have the means and tools to cut down on some of my vices like energy drinks(I can just order caffeine directly, and have scales that down to the calibrated to 10 milligrams everyday) so I could really just mix it in water myself instead of spending the $3 to buy one and getting the other crap in the can.

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