Guys, what are the bro codes we all know but we don’t say?

  1. you dont fuck your friends ex.

    “wElL tEcHnIcaLly yOu aRe brOkEn uP so-“

    no. no you dont do it. even if you “ask them” – which by the way, dont do that. dont put your friend on the spot like that. you’re an asshole if you do, like….4 billion women, you can stay away from literally one

  2. you could write a book with all the little rules about urinal spacing. always a spot in between, if theres no spaces use a stall. if all the stalls are taken wait, but if you can’t wait use an edge

  3. Don’t poach married women or girls in a relationship.

    If you do that, you’re a lowlife and not a bro.

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