Should she continue to use her title or should she use plain President Windsor/Markle while she and her husband keep the title or should it be removed entirely?

  1. She obviously should proclaim the “Great North American Empire” with her as empress and annex Canada.

  2. She’s already president in this scenario what she “should” do doesn’t matter anymore she’s one of the most powerful people on the planet and can do almost whatever she wants

  3. Did she even complete the process to become a British citizen? If not, wouldn’t those titles just be a courtesy thing with no real meaning?

  4. Ok, removing the ridiculousness of the situation, no titles bitch. You’re serving the United States and that’s all that matters in this situation.

    If Prince Harry is talked about in the media, I honestly don’t know. For instance, Jill Biden is referred to as Dr. Biden – her title is not disregarded when she is playing the role of First Lady. Then again, that is an earned title rather than hereditary. My gut would be to officially refer to him as Mr. Harry Windsor rather than Prince Harry, but when he’s not in his official capacity it doesn’t matter.

    Then the question about dual citizenship and conflicts of interest come along if they keep the titles and I say that at least she needs to renounce all titles for her and her children to satisfy that aspect of divided loyalties.

  5. Not American but afaik, an officeholder can’t _accept_ a foreign title while holding office in the US, can they?

    I suppose the open grey area would be whether it counts as one she had from before and also the fact that it’s not technically her title but a style she enjoys as a courtesy based on her husband’s title.

    It would probably be easier for her to run as Meghan Markle. I doubt Meghan Windsor-Mountbatten would go down very well in a republic. That said, I doubt this would ever happen and I don’t think she’d be very suited to the job anyway.

  6. Does she genuinely have political aspirations?

    Because this isn’t the first time I’ve heard her name floated as a theoretical candidate for office.

    Or is this just another Oprah or Michelle Obama fantasy?

  7. They’d be President Meghan Markle and First Gentlemen Harry Mountbatten-Windsor-Markle. That’s it.

  8. The American Constitution doesn’t “allow” titles for its citizens, ***especially*** members of government:

    “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State”

    The Foreign Emoluments Clause: Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8

    Even non-government-official US citizens usually have to go through a little song-and-dance to “accept” foreign titles, and those foreign titles don’t mean jack and/or shit to the US Government.

    Therefore, in order to become President, Mrs Markle would have to officially give up her UK title.

  9. She could try to use it publicly but it would be totally unofficial – about as relevant and important as using “moderator for popular subreddit” as a title.

  10. Can’t imagine someone with such close ties to a royal family getting enough support to make any ballots, much less most of them. But if she could, it’d probably be absolutely key that she minimized all ties with them as publicly and as a strongly as possible.

    So Meghan Markle is probably the only name that would stand a snowball’s chance in hell, and that’s about how small her chance would be in any case.

  11. The weirdest thing for me is that this isn’t the first time Meghan Markle running for president has been floated on this sub…

    Does anyone anywhere actually think that would seriously be a good idea?

  12. I’m actually far more pro monarchy than your average American, but the thought of an American president using the titles of a foreign monarchy makes my skin crawl in ways you cannot comprehend.

    It’s got to be written down somewhere that you can’t do that, surely.

  13. Her ties to the British Monarchy means she is ineligible. They would have to forfeit all titles, and she at least would have to forfeit citizenship in the UK.

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