I mean like other than dragoncon and that whole thing. If it is, then say it I suppose.. I will have to get past my anxiety. I have horrible luck

  1. Comic shops –especially during events–, conventions, e-sports competitions, magic the gathering tournaments, etc. You can run into them in public (they gotta buy groceries and send mail too) but if you want it basically guaranteed then those are the places you have to frequent

  2. I just got luck my wife and i are both gamers at heart and always argue over what to watch star wars, Lord of the Rings etc. Lol

  3. There are 3 separate game shops around my house advertising retro board games and dnd nights. Find one of those and attend the game nights. Might be the long game, but I’d bet you’ll get hooked up with a few ladies there. Or someone who could introduce you at some point as well

  4. As a woman who likes all of those things listed, definitely all the recommendations already here but also (something I have recently discovered) barcades! It’s a bar and an arcade in one. I don’t drink but I go for socialization and it’s proven effective

  5. If you do OLD mention your interests in your profile. The women you are attracted to actually read those.

  6. My husband married one… aka me…

    We met on tinder. He was trying to make friends and I needed a friend at that time because I had just run away from a cult family in cali and had moved to New Mexico.

    You could try tinder but make your bio just nerd references and it’ll work out but I’m not sure the timeframe.

    If you have social anxiety, a great place to start trying to make women friends that’ll hopefully turn into relations, is DND servers (I know of a great one that’s continuing to grow), servers for fans of anything you’d like…

    I wouldn’t want you to get scammed either online or in person, but you just have to take that risk. For meeting someone online, MAKE SURE you have one video call with audio from that person. For IRL people make sure you get their full name and phone number, and a social media handle (like instagram or TikTok or the like). Then when you go home (if you can remember faces) you can search them up on Facebook.

    It sounds like a lot of work, but honestly it’s the best way to go. A lot of people lie about who they are, their status of being single or not, or about what they look like (more about either Reddit users, discord users, etc).

    I’ve had to do this many times because I can’t just accept any friend that easily due to certain meds I take (ones that are highly sought after), the fact that I’m VERY disabled in a wheelchair 90% of the time and cannot fight back, and just being scammed before.

  7. Used book stores, record stores, video game stores, any where that sells almost exclusively nerdy shit

  8. Gaming groups.

    Like, find a DnD group, and then hang out with cool people outside of the game sessions. Some will be women, but they will also know other women. If you’re not a piece of shit and you clean up nice, married women and lesbians will eventually introduce you to their unmarried straight friends.

    Women generally do like these things but have to hide it to because they get bombarded by neckbeards trying to m’lady their way into some gash. Being cool and normal helps build trust.

  9. To meet *people* I played Magic in every shop in the twin cities area (MN) for about 2 years. Just shop hopped often, asked for other local stores (competitors), and met people. I talked with many of the employees, got to know many that way, still talk to some today.

    It was an accident but it helped me get into the rhythm of meeting people. The key here is to see the words I’m using. “People”. I understand your desire to meet women in this vein but that will come as a side effect of meeting *people* and improving your social skills (even if you already have good social skills).

    The other thing to look for is painting workshops and other aspects of the games that aren’t strictly competition. But don’t just go to hunt warm bodies, you have to want to be there for the actual event. If you hate painting, I can’t stress this enough, *you should not go*. Meeting people under false hobbies is an amazing way to fuck shit up.

  10. Online forums pertaining to your interests, book groups, local events (stargazing events, special lectures at your local university, etc.), writing groups, conventions (consumer electronics, comics, horror, etc.), LARP groups.

  11. Whenever nerds ask me this question (I’m a nerd myself but I’ve always had great luck meeting nerdy chicks) I always ask the same question in response:

    Are you someone who makes a woman feel comfortable being open about her nerdy interest with you?

    So many dudes I know wanna gatekeep and police fandoms, and treat the entire nerd culture genre like it’s their personal treasure hoarde or a boys only club. A lot don’t even recognize they’re doing it at first. They feel like they’re just asking questions to determine someone’s level of interest without realizing the hostility or patronization that their behavior is being interpreted as.

    On the opposite end of the same coin is the gross fetishizing a lot of dudes do in the community have for women in the community. I’ve taken female friends and partners to comic shops and cons and frequently heard unsolicited remarks like “You have the perfect boobs to cosplay x character” or “a chick who plays DnD? Splooge”. My current girlfriend is 6’1 and has had multiple people approach her at a renfair and call her Mommy.

    To be clear I’m not accusing you of that I’m just saying you gotta realize that this is the environment these women have to exist in when they take part in the community so many are justifiably wary of other nerdy dudes.

    Best ways I’ve found?

    – Put some nerdy but not crazy nerdy stufft in your tinder bio.(I mentioned my love for DnD and Star Wars) and look for girls who also mention nerdy stuff like anime. My bumble bio literally said “Looking for someone to make cookies and watch season 2 of the mandalorian with”

    – Ren Fairs and small local cons. Dragon con is way to big and hectic. As are most comic cons. They paid a shitlload to be there and probably have their weekend planned out. Smaller local cons are less hectic and have less pressure to see and do everything.

    – Rep your fandom but look good doing it. Don’t sacrifice looking decent just to wear some MHA merch. There’s a ton of tasteful wear out there that looks good.

    – Treat them like you would a normal girl. Don’t lean into the fandom so hard you lose the forrest through the trees. Don’t assume every gesture has to be nerdy and every interaction has to be based in the culture. They like dinner and walk in the park dates just as much as seeing the latest demon slayer movie together or going to midweek magic at the local game store.

  12. Hi! You meet us at bookstores and libraries. Because its work, family (fishing/bbq, etc), the gym, then reading.

    As you female friends for referrals to their family. We have our heads down

  13. If you’re in university or college, you can always take some theatre courses. Most gals are pretty nerdy in those, and Star Wars, Star Trek, and their kin will likely come up at some point in a class.

    English is also solid for this.

    Obviously don’t go to school to meet chicks, but if you’re already in it, it ain’t a bad option.

  14. 1st off Star Wars and star trek are so mainstream these days it’s not even funny most people like that shit no now as for war hammer and Lord of the Rings stuff I guess bring stuff again very mainstream so so basically try comic ones just maybe join a gaming community or just try talking to people ask for the anxiety thing maybe try talking to a therapist dude

  15. I don’t like this premise.

    A lot of people are nerds but don’t know anything about Warhammer, SW, ST or Tolkien. There is so much nerdy media out there that it has become just media. Two people can be both nerds but with limited common interests.

    Just try going to more events. Nerdy and not nerdy. Interact in a positive way with everyone regardless of gender. Try to show interest in other peoples hobbies. At some point you might find a girl that vibes with you. She might confuse a Cardassian with a Romulan but when she will talk two hours about RFC 791 you will go like “I want to have children with this person”.

  16. Met my fiancé on Xbox Live, talked every day, met up a couple times a month for a year, live together now… absolutely happiest I’ve ever been. She’s a great person and so fucking attractive don’t get me wrong, but a great factor is that she understands how much time can go into a single match of game between loading in, matchmaking, etc… and never once has made me feel bad for it. Most times she will play with me, if not I’ll play and she will play on PC or just watch me play. It has been a game changer compared to any relationship I’ve been in.

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