What color jeans you like seeing your date/stranger/partners’ butts in?

  1. I can’t say I ever thought about that, besides I don’t look at people’s butts or care about them anyway.

  2. Irrelevant. As long as it’s a nice butt the colour or even the material doesn’t matter. Stop asking

  3. Didn’t you just get this same question deleted earlier today? Why are you asking it again, knowing it isn’t wanted?

  4. Bright colored acid wash jeans from like hot topic are the coolest jeans for all genders in my opinion. But if you’re the type of person who is asking for advice on a detail like this I feel like you’re not gonna be comfortable dressing in a punk style.

  5. I don’t really look at stranger’s butts lol.

    But my SO really only wears dark colored jeans and he looks great in them.

  6. Is this what men really think we give a shit about? I couldn’t care less about the colour of a man’s jeans. I’ve bigger fish to fry when it comes to men.

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