What’s that one movie that you never get to finish or can’t remember the ending at all?

  1. Each of the fantastic beasts movies. I’ve technically finished them in terms of I’ve sat in front of the TV with them playing beginning to end, but they just don’t hold my attention and I have no idea which parts I do remember go with which movie.

  2. All the marvel movies… they’re all so long and boring to me, I truly do not understand all the hype.

  3. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie all the way until the end, but one I watched most of yet can’t remember a single second of is Matrix. I know I sat there watching almost all of it, but I don’t remember one single piece of the plot, scene, or even one character; I only know Keanu Reeves is in it because internet has made that very clear. Guess I never understood the hype for the series, lol.

  4. Clue.

    I have tried no less than 3 times to watch it, and each time I failed. Fall asleep, get distracted etc. I know it’s a good movie. I want to see it. But I have given up for now.

  5. I have seen the Lucy Liu portion of Kill Bill 1 eleven times and have still never watched the whole movie straight through. I don’t exactly mind because Lucy Liu is adorable.

  6. Forest Gump

    Technically I have finished it once. But I’ve seen the first hour at least 5 times.

    Sound of Music

    I’ve gotten through the first half an hour at least 4 times but I’ve never seen more than that.

  7. “*Mannequin*”. I was somehow distracted during the last few minutes of the movie (I was about 3 or 4 at the time), and the next thing I remember was hearing Starship singing *”Nothing’s gonna stop us now*” when the final credits started to roll

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