We had sex together for the first time recently and she made some comments later that night when we were texting. She said she wasn’t expecting that, I asked her what she meant, and she said she’s use to bigger guys. I didn’t know what to respond to that. I didn’t think I was small. I’m 5 inches. I’m just confused i guess and that kind of made me feel

  1. Yikes, get yourself a gf who isn’t a heartless jerk.

    Size isn’t important and you are about average. Average is 5.1 to 5.5 inch

  2. Plenty of things you could say to that but I would probably just move on , I’m guessing she doesn’t want to see you again otherwise her flirting game really needs work.

  3. Damn, that’s a bad beat.

    I’d probably dump her. Not for thinking it, but for literally disrespecting you.

    What a bitch

  4. thats such an odd thing for her to comment on and im saying this as a woman myself. her intention was definitely malicious. i wouldnt want a guy commenting about how my body didn’t meet his expectations after we just had sex, so why would i go out of my way to do it towards him? dump her.

  5. Her making you feel shame for something that you can’t control. Seems like her ability to bond with you is shit by the amount of people she’s “bonded” with in the past. Is this the tone you want to set for the relationship? That disrespect is call for a very serious conversation between the both of yous.

  6. You’re totally fine; don’t let her entirely subjective preferences slow you down. If she had any decency she would’ve behaved like an adult and just said she didn’t feel the chemistry she was hoping for and moved on.

  7. You deserve to be with someone who affirms your physically, not denigrates a part of your body you have no control over.

  8. Do yourself a favor and tell her to go find someone bigger.

    Her comment to you would be no different than if you had told her you were expecting something when she took her bra off because you were used to bigger and perkier.

    She’s trash and this is coming from a woman.

  9. Your girlfriend is both mentally and emotionally deficient. There is no reason to say that to someone unless a)You’re just trying to hurt them because you’re cruel, or b) you have so little cognitive thought happening inside your skull that whenever two of your very few remaining brain cells collide, whatever thought that creates just falls out of your mouth like you’re a broken pez dispenser. Either way, you can do so much better.

  10. This is just absolutely so disrespectful. And not normal. Please dump her immediately. There’s no excuse for her to stay that!

  11. Ok that’s rude AF and I’d probably just text her and say “I hope you find the giant dick of your dreams” and then block her everywhere. On everything. Never talk to her again. She’s going to think negging you will make you want her more and when it doesn’t she go nuts.

  12. Don’t let it make you insecure. She’s a moron! 99% of girls would have no problem with your size. Tell her to take a hike. She’s disgusting.

  13. As a women who’s been with micro penises and ones too large (8 plus inches) for comfort, you GF is an absolute asshat and you need to move on. My husband is a tab above average in size but is the best dick I’ve had (hi love, hope you see this) because he knows how to use it.

    How old are you and your GF?

  14. You are MUCH nicer than I am.

    >she said she’s use to bigger guys

    “Yeah babe, I could tell. It felt like throwing a hot dog down a hallway. Grand Canyon ain’t got nothing on you babe.Your puss has had more riders than the Times Sq subway stop. Your shit be like the Saarlac desert pit in Star Wars. It’s appetite makes Jabba the Hut look like a starving Somolian child. They call your puss the pit of despair babe. Your shit is like a cheap haunted motel babe, some men come, but ain’t nobody staying”


  15. So first you dump her.

    And when you do, make reference to the fact that you didn’t want to say anything, but as she brought it up the other day, that you feel like you have to tell her, that you could park several A380’s in there.

  16. She’s a size queen, they’re out there. It is what it is bro you just have to move on there’s literally nothing you can do.

  17. Your gf is a grade a bitch. I’ve never had a gf that has ever complained about size when talking about their sex life. There is so much more to sex then just size and 5 inches isn’t shabby.

  18. She for the streets. You didn’t deserve that. Don’t let it get you down homie. Find someone who respects you and doesn’t have a gaping vagina that feels like a normal size penis isn’t enough..

  19. Tell her being inside her was like throwing a hot dog down a hallway, that that you’re not used to people being so loose. Then dump her.

  20. Horrible for her to say it but some females like big Dicks. She could be a size queen. I think I am one.

  21. Everyone telling him to shame her back— implying she’s loose are brain dead hypocrites. She shouldn’t have told you as you can’t change your size; leave her and move on. There are plenty of potential partners who don’t care about certain sizes— find one.

  22. She’s either dumb or a bitch or maybe a dumb bitch…. You should NEVER say this to a man you are dating if you care about him or the relationship.

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