What tendency do you have that you’re trying to reign in?

  1. I’m so gd nervous and “vibrate-y” all the time. I’m nice and all, but my heart is racing constantly and the anxiety is debilitating. It’s not even over anything in particular, I think I’m just trying too hard 24/7 😭. It makes things miserable for myself and others so really trying to stop it, but it fr seems impossible sometimes.

  2. I’m extremely stubborn and generally set in my ways. I’m not a big compromiser. I’ve started trying to reign this in because it’s been bad for my marriage in the past.

  3. To spiral myself into a complete emotional breakdown with almost no provocation because my brain hates me.

  4. I need to be stimulated at all time, emotionally and mentally speaking and it’s draining. It’s not fair to me nor people around me cause I get bored easily. It’s hard for me to engage in small talk, it’s hard for me to stay still. I try to learn to cut the noise and enjoy the silence or the stillness but it’s something that is going to take me a while unfortunately.

  5. I want to help and advise but most times I just need to leave people to their own kinda thing….

  6. Control freak. I struggle to let anyone else take over or plan anything so I always try to take it over first. Then, shocker, I overwhelm myself and thats bad too

  7. To try to “fix” myself whenever I perceive myself to have done something not completely optimal, instead of accepting that actually I’m pretty great like 80% of the time and that’s more than enough.

  8. Im irritated most of the time. There are a lot of wrong things that get on my nerves. I love fair game, and i appreciate hard work and i respect well mannered hard working ppl it upstes me to see them suffer or being mistreated, while bad ppl get all the luck in the world,i tend to see things either black or white and don’tlike grey areas in life. As you know, life is not like that, and neither ppl. Im trying to practice patience and being cool about stuff. Sometimes i succeed, but it’s very hard to do so all the time

  9. My anger. I work a service job and for some reason I just wanna strangle some of these mf customers. I would never act that way toward them but sometimes I wish I could just turn it off or turn it down.

  10. The tendency to be really really irresponsible with money. I make enough money that I shouldn’t be living paycheck to paycheck but I have a bad habit of seeing money in my account and feeling like I *have* to spend it.

    2023 New Years goal is to stop doing that and start saving more.

  11. Stop thinking about money and cost. I stop myself from doing things because of the cost, despite the fact I can afford it now. I’m putting off some minor dental procedures despite my husband fussing at me to just schedule it, because of the cost. I make a decent living now, but we were once on every form of public assistance possible. Poverty is traumatizing.

  12. I talk too much. I almost don’t even realize that I’m doing it. I’m trying to be more conscious of it.

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