We’re going on some info weekend soon for summer stuff. We have to be there at 18 o clock and I’ll be going by train. I was expecting us to go together (its 3hrs30 with train) but she told me a guy who lives 5 minutes away from her (she lives 30 min away from me) also has to be there also and will go by car (which would be only 2 hours as I checked). She asked me if it’s fine if she goes with him there by car instead of train.

I don’t know, I’m not jealous but I feel like, sure it’s a bit longer by train but it feels like she’s leaving me alone like that. Am I thinking wrongly?

  1. You can’t offer him gas money to pick you up???
    Something sounds off here.

  2. So, you tell her that would not be okay with you. Doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a gal, you’re left with no companion for that length of time.

    If she’s already made the arrangement and you shrugged it off, then you’re to blame for not speaking up for yourself.

  3. Either say you don’t want to travel alone and ask her to get on the train or ask if you can get in the car.

    I think considering you said he was pursuing her before it’s inappropriate for her to go with him alone. She should know better tbh

  4. She should actually be excited to join you on the train ride, going out of town enjoying each others company. In the early part of a relationship a couple is supposed to want to to things together. Not a good sign.

  5. Banging the guy and then still have 2 hours to fresh up…

    How the f. are you not seeing this.

    Tell her immediately that you are uncomfortable with this. He is a stranger at all and if he was interested in her, he still is…
    Do you have no survival instinct? You should know when someone try to make a hunt.

  6. So she’d rather spend 2 hours with other guy interested in her than 3,5 hours with you? Dump her

  7. Above all else i’m interested in what the return situation is like. If she rides home with him again then I know I’d be upset.

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