What is the dumbest thing you have done as a people pleaser?

  1. Took out a loan for my boyfriend because I “supported” him and his business dreams (his credit was awful so he’d asked me to help him and sign the papers, promising he’d make all the payments).

    You can imagine how that turned out.

  2. Said that it was alright when my ex forgot about my birthday. I told him I don’t like my birthday anyway so he’d feel less guilty for forgetting

  3. It’s just the constant saying yes to favors for people when I really, really don’t want to do it. 🙄

  4. Gave birth on the floor

    cause I didn’t want to push my husband or the midwifes into taking my pain seriously, stupidly assuming they would know what to do and they would take care of me. I kept saying I’ve got a lot of pain in my back and they kept saying
    “Yes yes, it’s just early signs you’ve got plenty of time to go”
    And my bloody stupid husband just kept asking me what he should do.

  5. Going to all of those Mary Kay, Avon, and other MLM parties. Huge waste of my time and money just because I couldn’t say no to the invitations.

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