Do you think that being beautiful is important? Why or why not?

  1. Sadly I think people who are pretty are given an advantage. I can not tell you how many times I have said something to a group of people and it goes ignored and then 60 seconds later a beautiful person repeats what I said word for word and suddenly it is the best idea ever.

    Also in my office the pretty girls are given so much more leeway with their attitude and behavior than I am as the not pretty co worker. Also pretty people don’t seem to get dress coded at work even when blatantly breaking the rules.

  2. Being pretty is an advantage, but also a liability. If you’re really pretty, people are going to think that’s all you are. It’s going to be harder to get people to take you seriously, and people will want to be close to you or possess you but not really care about the real you.

    If you’re pretty and don’t care about being taken seriously and just want to be fawned over, well, enjoy it! But you’re going to have to scramble to find some other way to be useful or important when you’re older if your looks don’t last.

  3. Not really. I do think being not ugly helps (around average) but skills and charm matter more than looks

  4. Being beautiful is important, but being nice to yourself and people always go hand by hand with it. Having pretty appearance does not pay that much without personality. Sounds trivially, but when people say about beaty advantages they usully talk about nice + pretty people. It is all about details that matter except appearance.

  5. I don’t think it’s necessarily important as it is an advantage in some ways and a disadvantage in others. At the end of the day though, beauty fades, like everything else. So no, I don’t put much value in it but does it have some level of influence to it, whether you’re beautiful or not, yeah. Sadly, yeah it does.

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