Are you friends with your co-workers? Why or why not?

  1. Work friends with some yea. I dont talk or hang out with anyone from work when I’m off the clock

  2. Nope.. don’t get me wrong I’m friendly with co workers but I don’t share personal information with them.

    We can bullshit about work, social media news, or shared interests, but

    I don’t share anything personal about myself (family) with them because it’ll spread through the work place like wild fire. I seen happen a lot. Divorces, Cheating Partners, or any drama you’re having gets talked about behind your back.

    I rather just go to work and work. Not worry about my personal life getting judged by co workers.

    Plus there’s always a co worker that you’ll never get along with and them knowing your personal life is even more annoying.

    already spending 8 hours with them is enough no need to involve them more.

  3. I hate my current co worker. Even the way he eats with his mouth full makes me dislike him more daily

  4. We’re friendly at work and will chat outside of it here and there, but I don’t hang out with them after hours.

  5. No. One time they came to my house when I was away and convinced my roommate to throw my coffee table away. Life is much more peaceful and enjoyable with our those nosey assholes in my private life. Can add many more examples but let’s just say they add zero value to my life to but are a massive drain on resources.

    But at work, all professional and about business.

  6. With some, yeah, we’re proper friends. I’ve gone to gigs with them, gone for beers, meals etc. With a select few, it’s gone further than that – invites to weddings, babysitting, and even introducing them to my other friends.

    I’ve picked up quite a few friends from various workplaces over the years. A couple of them rank amongst my closest friends.

  7. Yeah!! I’m at a new job & they’re amazing as hell I’ve never had a bunch of co worker friends at the same time before

    Rn I’m waiting for my boss who’s in a meeting

  8. I’ve had several coworkers that I’ve considered friends so much so that even now decades later we try and keep in touch and meet for lunch or happy hour when possible.

  9. I’m friendly towards them at work but I don’t hang out with them outside of work. I’m pretty sure I’m the youngest one in the company by at least 4-5 years so I don’t have much in common with any of them….. and I don’t really like socializing. I spend most of my weekends in my apt doing nothing lol.

  10. Im not interested in befriending my coworkers. It happens naturally sometimes but at my current job Im not friends with anyone. I already have enough friends and dont need any more.

  11. I think I am. Then one of us leaves the company and I never talk to them again. So.. no. Not really.

  12. Friends in that if I have their number in my phone I put “(work)” next to their name. We talk about common interests, and we’re all chill, but I don’t see them or talk to them outside of work. They’re work friends, and that’s all they need to be because I have my real friends be my real friends.

  13. Try not to be, but apparently I am.

    Why dont I want to be friends with coworkers. Friendships require effort to maintain and I learned to enjoy being alone.

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