What’s the first thing you think of when you wake up?

  1. my dog because he usually needs to go out, i’ll pee, then debate myself on whether i wanna go for a run (lately the answer has always been nahhh)

  2. Pain. I either already hurt or I’m wondering how much my first few steps are going to hurt.

  3. What time is it

    What I have to do that day

    What am I going to wear, if it’s a work day.

  4. I start doing imaginary math about how much longer I can sleep – its bad math and based on minimal real-life data

  5. ” what time day week is it? where tf are my glasses? why is my hair out, omfl i gotta fix my blanket, where is my cat, how do i go down a ladder- wheres my phone? ugh im tired.”

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