What were you most afraid of as a kid?

  1. When I was a kid our crazy next door neighbor broke into our house. We came in before he left the house. I found him under my bed when it was time for bed that night. Needless to say I’ve spent until I was nearly 30 checking under my bed.

  2. falling into a mediocre 9-5 life once I became an adult. yet here I am living in my childhood fear.

  3. My grandmother used to show me her blackened, gangrenous toe. She also used to sing a rhyme that went “”BaberahamLincoln” is no good, chop her up for firewood!” If I tried to get out of something (I’m assuming, I was only in second grade when she died) she would come at me with “fake crying, fake crying! no tears, no tears!” I mean fair enough but honestly…

  4. Water. Almost drowning can do that to a person. Bodies of water are still my #1 phobia a couple of decades later.

  5. My recurring nightmare about large tigers chasing me and hunting me in my house. Oh and deathly afraid of raising my hand in class or getting called on. I was an introvert to the max. Still wish I knew how/why that fear started.

  6. Zombies. I was 10 when The Walking Dead came out. I decided to watch the premiere and I was seriously scarred. I had a horrible fear of anything zombie related all the way into my late teens as a result.

  7. I was fine until my father let me watch the Exorcist when I was like six years old. Six years old, having an anxiety attack when trying to go to sleep cause all I could imagine were little demons all around my room. I surrounded myself with stuffed animals so I never felt alone. I listened to 1580 AM Disney Channel and didn’t know how radio wavelengths worked so I though demons were messing with the volume knob. Heart racing so fast it would make my bed shake, which made me think the devil was shaking my bed. Anxiety on top of anxiety.

  8. I was afraid of the bathroom mirror. My friends and I tried to make Bloody Mary appear by repeating her name in a dark bathroom. It terrified me. I also saw a movie where a vain woman was pulled into her mirror because she spent so many hours brushing her hair and staring at her beautiful face. I was quite old when I finally got over my fear!

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