I am in London and I am seeking a new, new to me, bicycle. Beyond Facebook and eBay, where should I, ideally, be looking?

Thank you in advance.

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  2. A local bike shop.
    It sounds like an obvious option but if you don’t know how to maintain a bike, brakes, gears, etc they should be ready to go without you crashing into the side if a bus.
    Have a look at different cycle stores as well. They may have old stock or ex demo/show bikes to sell.

  3. I would use a bike shop, you don’t know what state people selling on bikes are, and it could even be nicked. Try local places rather than chains, avoid Halfords

  4. Bike charities for second hand are a good shout but mostly in Scotland and near Wales. Us English use ours for canal foundations

  5. Decathlon have some great bikes at reasonable prices. Also, they are big enough to have decent stock if you want to check sizing or see options in person.

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