When & how is the best way to have ‘the sex talk’ with kids?

  1. Right before 5th grade. The first week of 5th grade ours was overhearing all kinds of bad information. I’d rather have waited until later, but when they’re getting bad information about their own anatomy it’s time for a frank discussion.

  2. I would say around 10 years old or older, no later than 14. there were many things I wish I’d known before as the amount of false information you find on the Internet and at school by friends etc can lead to problems in your child’s self image etc. if they have access to the Internet, children get curious and they’ve probably seen things, they need to know that what they’re seeing isn’t always the case in certain siduations etc. hope this helped 🙂

  3. I don’t have kids, but I knew the appropriate information at the age of 8/9, before the topic came up in school. First sex ed was also in 3rd grade.
    A few years back I worked in a school and age appropriate books have been in the class library in 1st grade.
    But also, I live in Germany, not in the USA.

  4. Around here, kids learn about the basics in elementary school, around 2nd grade (roughly).
    And then again later in 7th grade or so.

    I think if I got kids, I would want to do “the talk” at around 6-7 years old, when I learned about it by my parents too. Had a really cool book about this (“Peter, Ida und Minimum”) that my parents and my grandma read to me.

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