I know romance tropes are very common amongst women but I’ve never heard men talk about it so I was just curious. Examples would be things like:
Friends to Lovers,
Forced Proximity,
Fake Relationship,
Enemies to Lovers,
Marriage of Convenience,
Accidental Pregnancy/Secret Baby/Suddenly Parents,
Second Chance Romance,
Best Friend’s Brother/Sister,
Workplace Romance,
Royalty, Sheikhs, Celebrities and Billionaires,
Amnesia/Mistaken Identity,
Runaway Brides, Best Men

  1. “Happily ever after”

    It’s not real. You might be happy for a few months or even a few years but eventually one of these will happen:

    – she will leave you
    – she will treat you like shit
    – she will cheat
    – she will turn crazy
    – you might say one stupid thing that to you sounded totally innocuous but she takes it the wrong way and breaks up with you over the phone, puts it on silent and doesn’t answer you for the rest of the fucking night leaving you bleary eyed and making a break up Playlist because you know you accidentally fucked up the most wonderful, beautiful, loving relationship you ever had and you know you won’t find another like her since the women these days are mostly feminist

    Yes that last one happened to me… actually all of them did but the last one happened about 3 hrs ago

  2. My favourite romance trope for sure is the woman who knows what she wants and takes charge. Very sexy

  3. I don’t know if it’s “romance” but I always appreciate the man exposing all his vulnerable sides to his lover and her becoming exponentially stronger as a person.

    He starts out as the hardest bro out there. No one even looks him in the eyes. But when it’s just the two of them, he can cry in her lap and she wont think any less of him. Meanwhile, she starts out as meek-ish but steps up to burn a city in order to protect her man.

    I can’t think of an example, but I rarely see this couple.

  4. He’s a doctor but to make sure she doesn’t have cancer he needs to give her a vaginal inspection with his cock

    She’s a teacher but if he wants to pass the class he’s gonna have to eat her pussy until she’s had enough

    He’s a taxi driver but she forgot her wallet and they have to figure out another method of payment that doesn’t rely on currency

  5. I’ll call it “The top secret lover”. When the protagonist loves someone but doesn’t fully express it or express exclusivity so they are on a race against time to try to make it work before someone else do.

  6. Rich man falls in love with non rich woman apparently. Crazy Rich Asians, Pretty Woman, Beauty & the Beast, Coming to America. All classics.

  7. That femininity attracts masculine men.

    It’s true and leads to happy relationships

  8. I’m drawn to love stories where the woman is tough and self-assured, with a hidden sensitive side that the guy is able to draw out by being oblivious and kind-hearted. I also like ones where the couple meets by commiserating over their mutual misfortune. Once the couple is together, I like scenes where it seems like we’re about to witness a breakdown in communication or one of them being disloyal, only for it to be immediately resolved because they trust and respect each other.

  9. Convenience / just friends sex turns into a passionate relationship because she falls in love with a deep and extensive dicking she never experienced before.

  10. The “chase the girl to realize it wasn’t meant to be and end up with the girl that was helping you all along” if that’s considered a trope? Like, finding out love isn’t the chasing a girl only to have your Disney moment.

  11. Spoilers for the manga Akira:

    >!My favorite romance in any fiction is the one between Kaneda and Kei in Akira. At first Kaneda sees her as a piece of meat and he keeps flirting with her in a very heavy handed and sometimes joking way. Then as the story goes on, he learns some maturity without losing his happy go lucky side. As they fight a common enemy, they are forced to cooperate and in the end learn to love eachother. Very cute romance that for once in the history of manga didn’t feel forced.!<

  12. When the dude is weak and frail but cultivates himself to become the most powerful warrior in the world, and as such gains the hand of the hottest piece of ass in the world.

  13. Doomed lovers is a really fun one.

    One of my favorite executions of this was season 2 of Buffy. That ending was so deliciously melodramatic and tragic. I might’ve just let the world end.

  14. I would say the trope about transparency and communication but i don’t think that one actually exists

  15. Bored angry girls that find the one person they can’t find a way to hate i.e. Zuko/ Mai and April/Andy

  16. Enimes to Lovers is a great one, R*pe is love for sure and of course Forbidden Love

  17. I once read a book where the main character survived a coup attempt and kidnapping by his sister in law (medieval era leadership style so she was trying to get his nephew on the throne) and the mc’s fiance sent a letter saying if she was there she would have stabbed the sister in law in the neck. I don’t know what that trope is but I like that.

  18. Damsel/Donzel in distress. That means I’m gonna get an adventure story that happens to be focussed on love, and I like adventure stories.

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